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Now, about my quandry…
I’m conflicted…
A newly active Islamic group in Gaza calling itself “The Just Sword of Islam” has recently engaged in acts of violence aimed at some they deem offend their Muslim values.
The group said its followers last week threw acid at the face of a young woman who was dressed “immodestly” in the center of Gaza City. They also destroyed a car belonging to a young man who was playing his radio tape [sic] too loudly.
On the one hand, they ought to be gelded and then boiled in oil for the acid in the face action. OTOH, they probably deserve a medal for trashing the car with the blaring “music”… (If someone else’s “music” impinges on MY aural space without permission, they are trespassing on MY hearing and deserve whatever evil end they come to, IMO.)
Decisions, decisions… OK, how about this: give ’em the medals for trashing the loud-assed idiot’s car posthumously.
Conflict resolved.
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