A Great Idea: Blogger’s Halo Award

Faultline USA has posted an idea whose time is now. 🙂

Nominate a Blogger for a Halo

The “Blogger’s Halo Award” WILL go to the blogger who has not only created a vital up-to-the minute blog with a sizable readership and dedication to excellence, but this blogger would have gone way beyond the call of duty by demonstrating a selfless commitment to help other bloggers solve their blogging problems.

As I commented on the post linked aboive, “For me, THE standout has been Diane, of Diane’s Stuff, Dead Guy on the Sidebar and just recently (Saturday, in fact Oops! Friday. :-)) The Trouble With Angels. Basil (Basil’s Blog) of the famed Basil’s Haloscan/Blogger Hack and other helpful goodies for bloggers on various platforms and Harvey of Bad Example have also been standout examples of those who have been exceptionally helpful to many folks.”

So, click on over to Faultline USA and submit your fav blogger “angel” for a halo.