Injured USS FRANK CABLE (AS-40) Sailors Will Get Valour-IT Laptops

To the third world county bloggers and readers, thank you for your support. I thought I’d cross post this here so you can see how the program is working.

I missed the news of the steam line on the USS FRANK CABLE (AS-40) rupturing and burning 8 sailors this past weekend, but I just received an email forwarded by Soldier’s Angels from LTC (Ret) Jim Riley:

From: Riley, James D CONT BAMC-Ft Sam Houston TX
Date: Dec 5, 2006 1:36 PM
To: Soldiers Angels


I can’t get post or even read most of the BLOGS at work. I thought you might like to update BLACKFIVE on the sailors injured in the boiler explosion. Here is what I would like to say if you’d like to send it to them

Just wanted you to know Soldiers’ Angels is on the ground in San Antonio and in an protective overwatch position & I am personally looking out for the injured sailors and their families. We will support them in any way we can as their treatment progresses. The families have arrived and are being tended by the staff and chaplains.

Thanks to Blackfive and the other MIL Bloggers, Soldiers’ Angels will be providing a new laptop for each of these six heroes as soon as they get out of the ICUs and we hope they will be blogging their story themselves very soon. Our prayers are with them and
their families.

Jim (LTC, Med Svc Corps, ret), Director, Medical Spt Ops Soldier’s Angels

Bubblehead is on the story.

For all who chipped either effort or money or both at the fund drive for Valour-IT, this is the result of your dedication to supporting our troops and, in this case, the sailors in particular.

For anyone else late to the game, Valour-IT donations are accepted year round…. (hint, hint!)

Christmas at Rock-Away Rest/OTP

UPDATE: This graphic and link will be at the top of every Christmas Alliance post for the rest of the season:

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Christmas at Rock-Away Rest

I recieved this in email, and had a hard time finding an already-scanned image of a Christmas song old enough (well, no, not really :-)) for the sender to feel right at home… 😛 (Thanks, Hugh).

‘Twas the night before Christmas at Rock-Away Rest
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