Science Done by the “CBS News Standard”

Fake but accurate? Yep, boys n girls: the peer review system is well and truly broken, and science reporting is even “brokener,” if that were possible.

Johnathn David Carson cites only a couple of the many recent cases of published, well-recognized, influential “scientists” whose work is/has been widely referenced and relied upon who simply faked their data. He focuses upon one, Michael Mann, and the (once) highly respected and (still) influential American Association for the Advancement of Science journal, Science.

Go, read the whole thing. Here’s a sample:

The so—called “hockey stick” graph appears in the 2001 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the United Nations organization that dominates climate change discussion. The graph purported to show that world temperatures had remained stable for almost a thousand years, but took a sudden turn upward in the last century (the blade of the hockey stick). It was the product of research into “proxy” temperature records, such as tree rings, ice cores, and coral reefs, by Michael Mann, the Joe Wilson of climate change. It can be seen here. Charles Martin took a critical look at it last March for The American Thinker.

The problem is that the world was almost certainly warmer than it is today during the “Medieval Warm Period” or “Medieval Climate Optimum” of the 9th through 14th Centuries, which was followed by the “Little Ice Age” of the 15th through 19th Centuries, whose end is the occasion for today’s global warming hysteria.

But Science magazine stuck to its argument. “Politicians Attack, But Evidence for Global Warming Doesn’t Wilt” in the July 28 issue of Science not only employs the typical deceitful rhetoric of the scientific establishment, here presenting an argument among scientists as an argument between scientists and politicians, but also uses the fake—but—accurate excuse for the corrupt activities of its favorite scientists.

Info not in the paragraph above? That Mann fatuously uses his “fake but accurate” hockey stick graph to assert that the 20th Century was the warmest in over 1,000 years… a period that included the much, much warmer “Medieval Warm Period.” Oh, there’s more, not limited to climate alarmist lies urm, “fake but accurate” statements.

May I also once again strongly recommend James P. Hogan’s book, Kicking the Sacred Cow: Heresy and Impermissible Thoughts in Science? Hogan begins with the fakery of Darwin and contemporary Neodarwinists and from there romps merrily through misbehaving “scientific” positions from a wide array of disciplines. Fun.

And slightly frightening. Politicians *spit* aren’t smart enough, for the most part, and just (almost to a person) don’t give a damn (almost entirely) for honesty, to either be able or have the predisposition to search for truth in matters of science that bear upon public policy. So, it might well serve the republic if more citizens cast a gimlet eye upon “scientific” shennanegans… and also upon our political masters, measuring both classes for attire suitable for introduction to Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether…

Trackposted to Planck’s Constant, Renaissance Blogger, Culturetastic, The Random Yak, Dumb Ox News, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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