Fair Tax—the rebate

Why our Political Leaders Should Embrace the FairTax Plan
by John DeJong of NotMeUSA.com

The Fair Tax Plan (HR.25/S.25) has been out for well over a year now and yet there are still many people who have never even heard of it. One would think that a plan as bold and beneficial as this would be sounded from one coast to the next. Yet that is not the case. As a point of fact there are many liberal political leaders who continually ridicule the Fair Tax Plan whenever it is mentioned. They’re acting under the misguided belief that this wonderful plan favors the “rich”. That is the farthest from the truth as one can come.

The sad fact is that if any of these doomsayers would take the time to actually read the entire plan then they would quickly recognize it for what it is—the greatest social welfare program of all time. This belief Fair Tax proponents share is held because HR.25/S.25 will do more for the “lower income” wage earners in the U.S.A. than any other liberal program(s) in existence today.

You see, all consumers will receive an annualized rebate (in 12 equal monthly installments) on [the Federal taxes on–ed] necessary living expenditures up to the poverty level. The size of the monthly rebate will be determined by the government’s published poverty level for a particular household size, multiplied by the tax rate. What this means is that for each person the monthly rebate will be increased in order to pay for the entire household costs for the basic necessities of life. This monthly rebate is given to all citizens regardless of age, sex, race, or income level.

This is how the Fair Tax would have worked in the year 2000.

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Christmas Alliance 1.14: The Gift of Gifts

This Christmas Alliance post is simply a reprint of material from Chip Stam’s “Worship Quote of the Week, with a very short afterward by me. First, Chip’s preface:

Today’s WORSHIP QUOTE is from Arthur Bennett’s THE VALLEY OF VISION. The author reflects on the wonders of the Incarnation—the gift of gifts—as he gathers in rich biblical language in a prayer of reflection, adoration, and submission. I am particularly blessed by the way he uses the details of the Luke 2 narrative as springboards for personal devotion to the Savior. [I trust that the archaic language found herein for thee a hindrance will not be.]

Now, the meat of the matter:

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Quandry/OTA Wednesday

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Now, about my quandry…

I’m conflicted…

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