What’s Red and Green and Delicious All Over?

Well, it’s not typical “Christmas fare” but it’s good eats. And it’s not a posole recipe, really, although it’s based on one. And it’s back to my normal “It’s not a recipe; it’s a process” method. But it does have red and green and it is delish, so here’s

Hominy Stew

About a pound of cooked cubed, lean ham or pork OR about a pound of your fav sausage (crumbled, cooked and drained of fat).
A medium cabbage, chopped.
A medium onion, chopped.
One (or more) cloves of garlic, minced.
One large (24 oz or more, or several smaller cans to equal) can of hominy.
About a cup of “red” sauce. See this post for the recipe for that, or use your fav canned “enchilada” sauce.
About 2 cups of chopped tomatoes, or canned chopped tomatoes.
One small (4 oz) can of chopped green chiles.

Dump the stuff in a crock pot, add water to suit your eye (and your crock pot) and just let it cook away. Make some corn tortilla chips to serve with it. (Corn tortillas, convection oven, work it out, cos they beat the socks off bag chips.)

Trackposted to Blue Star Chronicles, The Right Nation, Rightwing Guy, The Pink Flamingo, Is It Just Me?, The Random Yak, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Christmas Weekend OTP

Merry Christmas! THIS is the Christmas Weekend Open Trackback Post at third world county, open Friday, December 22 through Monday, December 25. Just link to this post and track back.

NOTE: Do NOT think your trackback wasn’t recieved if it doesn’t register right away. Sometimes, trackbacks and comments get caught for a bit in my moderation queue. This weekend, I will not be able to check my blog as often as usual, so please just be patient. I’ll bring comments/trackbacks out of moderation as soon as I see them.

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If you want to host your own linkfests but have not yet done so, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance. The FAQ there is very helpful in understanding linkfests/open trackbacks.

I hope to have my Christmas Eve post finished and posted by early Sunday, but meanwhile, Merry Christmas!