Lovers of Liberty: Essential Reading

Gribbit has a post published today that I feel is essential reading for those of us who are more than merely fond of the basic liberties the Founders fought and bled and died for and that generations beforfe us have preserved by the same means.

Once Upon A Time When America Had Christmas


Then, after you have read it, come back and read my further response, below the fold.

Trackbacked to the following linkfests via Linkfest Haven Deluxe

Trackposted to The HILL Chronicles, Pursuing Holiness, 123beta, The Uncooperative Blogger, The Uncooperative Blogger ®, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Outside the Beltway, Adam’s Blog, The World According To Carl, The Right Nation, The Amboy Times, Perri Nelson’s Website, Blue Star Chronicles, Madman Returns, The Renaissance Blogger, Is It Just Me?, The World According to Carl, Conservative Cat, Stuck On Stupid, Planck’s Constant, The Random Yak, and The Bullwinkle Blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

My response to Gribbit’s post:

Continue reading “Lovers of Liberty: Essential Reading”

Another thing for my “wish list”

I have plenty of “stuff” and my wish list, such as it is, is mostly for things to do to my Wonder Woman’s house for her, but I do have a few things that kinda linger on my wish list. I just added another that will not stay on the list for ling, because the new Celtic Woman CD/DVD will be out January 30, 2007. (Preorder at

Yeh, caught the chopped-up PBS presentation of it tonight. (And yeh, I like the fundraising PBS season, cos those interruptions begging for $$ give me plenty of time to make snack runs and “pay my water bill,” etc. :-))

Sure, most of the folks in the audience were my age (and older). But that’s likely because most of them could recognize and reproduce pitches themselves (unlike a majority of young folks today), and during much of the performance, folks were singing along. (And yes, I can tell by watching if someone’s likely to be on pitch. Comes with experience and training.)

But the music. *sigh* Solos, duets, all the way up to four and five-part harmonies in the major voices (with instruments and chorus on many). A cappella. Triple over duple rhythms (and vice versa). And more. Complex, yet maintaining simplicity. Artistry. Some singers and instrumentalists with real chops developed from talent forged into artistry by some serious study, training and discipline.

A far cry from the contemporary pap and crap of top 40 junk.

But Celtic Woman has been that way from its inception in 2005.

Good stuff. Highly recommended.