Muslim Outrage Redux *Yawn*

Muslims are outraged. Again. Yada-yada-yada.

But what, pray tell, are Muslims outraged about, now?

Oh, this time it’s something meaningful: the rights of Muslim men to rape women with impunity.

Seriously. Seems that after long and tortured negotiations with Muslim religious leaders, Pakistan had finally gotten around to passing some limp-wristed laws that put a slight crimp in Muslim men’s “rights” to rape women, a storm of protest has risen.

Par for the course. Trying to bring a sixth century barbaric culture into a sixteenth century civilized status is bound to fail, as long as that sixth century barbaric culture is Islamic. Heck, the “most advanced” “progressive” Islamic nation, Turkey, still hasn’t managed it.

No news here: as long as the followers of Islam revere and emulate the brutal savagry of the mass-murderer, lying, treacherous slaver and pedophile, the Butcher of Medina, they cannot become truly civilized.

Trackposted to Blue Star Chronicles, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

The Fruits of Civic Illiteracy

Earlier today, I referred to a recent survey that indicates that our colleges and universities (let alone our high schools) are turning out potential voters who are woefully illiterate in basic literacy in fundamental civics.

Here are a few of the fruits of such illiteracy:

Granted, it’s Heathrow, but with multitides of similar incidents in U.S. airports as Thousands Standing Around runs amok over culturally sub/illiterate American citizens subjects sheeple, can the U.S. be far behind>

The War on Terror claims doughnuts. Who can doubt that American sheeple, illiterate in matters of basic civics, would for the most part cave in and surrender their Krispy Kremes to airport security theater goonishness?

Bereft of even common sense and unmoored from an historical understanding of the responsibilities of individuals, is it any wonder we get headlines like this?

4 -year-old Accused of Improperly Touching Teacher

A four-year-old hugged his teachers aide and was put into in-school suspension…

Some hyper-sensitive moron interpreted that as “innapropriate sexual contact” and reported the 4-year-old for discipline. In the republic the Founders left us, the adult would be subject to ridicule and censure. In today’s America, a 4-year-old is punished.

If that’s not enough for you, just survey today’s headlines:

Airport Christmas trees removed. Airport authorities in need of civics lesson.

McKinney Introduces Bill to Impeach Bush. Cites NONE of the right reasons.

Border webcams rack up millions of hits in a month. And still no “Tea Parties” or introductions for congresscritters and the Bush administration to Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether by the electorate as a result of political elites conspiring with a foreign government (Mexico) to aid the invasion of the U.S. they are sworn to protect and serve.

You can go on and on. Any day, every day, headlines scream: “The U.S. is peopled by an increasingly dumber and more irresponsible electorate,” because irresponsible government, harrassment of citizens and the growth of anarcho-tyranny abounds without massive public outcry.

A little civic literacy would (well, could) go a long way toward averting some of this idiocy.

Trackposted to Pirate’s Cove, Perri Nelson’s Website, Permanent Floating Ping Festival, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Random Yak, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, and bRight & Early, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Citizens Without a Brain/OTP

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Yes, I meant the title the way I phrased it. Not “Citizens Without Brains” but “Citizens wWithout A Brain (Among the Lot of ‘Em)” *sigh*.

The United States of America is a putative representative democracy which depends upon the collective wisdom of its citizens to elect representatives to look out for the common good. That being the case, it stands to reason that a people well-versed in the nation’s history, its founding documents and the forms, purposes, responsibilities and limits of its governmental bodies would be a very good thing and that the opposite would be a very bad thing.

Weep for that republic.

In late September, just as the present academic year was getting underway, The American Civic Literacy Program at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute released its report The Coming Crisis in Citizenship: Higher Education’s Failure to Teach America’s History and Institutions. Its findings are based on extensive survey research, conducted on fifty American campuses, from large state schools to elite private universities to liberal arts colleges. Over 14,000 freshmen and seniors across the country completed a questionnaire comprised of sixty questions covering a wide range of topics in America’s history, founding ideas, political institutions, economic system, and place in the world.

What did the survey determine? Well, beside the fact that incoming freshmen, high school graduates, knew damn all about the subjects, outgoing seniors knew little—if any—more. In some schools, the phenomenon of “negative learning”—outgoing seniors leaving knowing less than incoming freshmen—was observed (and not because incoming freshmen were well-versed).

*Seniors scored just 1.5 percent higher on average than freshmen.
*If the survey were administered as an exam in a college course, seniors would fail with an overall average score of 53.2 percent, or F on a traditional grading scale.
*Though a university education can cost upwards of $200,000, and college students on average leave campus $19,300 in debt, they are no better off than when they arrived in terms of acquiring the knowledge necessary for informed engagement in a democratic republic and global economy.

Read the linked article. Read the full report linked there. Then find out if your local public schools are turning out cultural illiterates who aren’t fit to be voters, and if they are, find out why and raise holy hell about it.

Then find out what the situation is at the colleges or universities your children are attending or intend to attend. follow the above provedure, etc.

Otherwise, the dead and illegal alien vote captured by pols on the left will not be necessary to lead the U.S. into the ash heap of history, because enstupiated, incompetent citizens will have long since done the deed themselves.

Oh, and go ahead and take the quiz formed from a very small (five questions) representative sample of the survey questions. I had to pause and think about one question (to0 resolve a time differential between American history and British history), but nevertheless had this result:

You answered 5 out of 5 correctly — 100.00 %
Average score for this quiz during December: 90.7%

But then, I always “test” well. Not necessarily indicative of my breadth and depth of knowledge–especially with a simple 5-question sample quiz.

Lovers of Liberty: Essential Reading

Gribbit has a post published today that I feel is essential reading for those of us who are more than merely fond of the basic liberties the Founders fought and bled and died for and that generations beforfe us have preserved by the same means.

Once Upon A Time When America Had Christmas


Then, after you have read it, come back and read my further response, below the fold.

Trackbacked to the following linkfests via Linkfest Haven Deluxe

Trackposted to The HILL Chronicles, Pursuing Holiness, 123beta, The Uncooperative Blogger, The Uncooperative Blogger ®, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Outside the Beltway, Adam’s Blog, The World According To Carl, The Right Nation, The Amboy Times, Perri Nelson’s Website, Blue Star Chronicles, Madman Returns, The Renaissance Blogger, Is It Just Me?, The World According to Carl, Conservative Cat, Stuck On Stupid, Planck’s Constant, The Random Yak, and The Bullwinkle Blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

My response to Gribbit’s post:

Continue reading “Lovers of Liberty: Essential Reading”

Another thing for my “wish list”

I have plenty of “stuff” and my wish list, such as it is, is mostly for things to do to my Wonder Woman’s house for her, but I do have a few things that kinda linger on my wish list. I just added another that will not stay on the list for ling, because the new Celtic Woman CD/DVD will be out January 30, 2007. (Preorder at

Yeh, caught the chopped-up PBS presentation of it tonight. (And yeh, I like the fundraising PBS season, cos those interruptions begging for $$ give me plenty of time to make snack runs and “pay my water bill,” etc. :-))

Sure, most of the folks in the audience were my age (and older). But that’s likely because most of them could recognize and reproduce pitches themselves (unlike a majority of young folks today), and during much of the performance, folks were singing along. (And yes, I can tell by watching if someone’s likely to be on pitch. Comes with experience and training.)

But the music. *sigh* Solos, duets, all the way up to four and five-part harmonies in the major voices (with instruments and chorus on many). A cappella. Triple over duple rhythms (and vice versa). And more. Complex, yet maintaining simplicity. Artistry. Some singers and instrumentalists with real chops developed from talent forged into artistry by some serious study, training and discipline.

A far cry from the contemporary pap and crap of top 40 junk.

But Celtic Woman has been that way from its inception in 2005.

Good stuff. Highly recommended.

Another difference…

Here’s a real quickie. Another difference between Islam and the West: a difference between Christians and Muslims.

If you’ve claimed to be a Christian but then recant and choose to leave the church, Christians will tell you that when you die, you’ll go to hell (heck, most Christians will say you never were a Christian if you can recant).

If you’ve been a Muslim and recant, though, Muslims won’t just tell you that you will go to hell when you die, they’ll get in line to punch your ticket.

See the difference? If you don’t, then you’re probably a CNN/Al-Reuters mush head fake liberal.

Rudolph/Weekend OTA

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[Note: I’ve had the material reproduced below for years and have no recollection of whence it came. It’s reproduced here for the edification of my gentle readers… ]

Some years ago, while the Soviet Empire was still a creaking franchise of the bankrupt Marxist ideals, a Russian couple was walking down the street near Red Square in Moscow one night, when the man felt a drop hit his nose.

“I think it’s raining”, he said to his wife.

“No, that felt more like snow to me”, she replied.

“No, I’m sure it was just rain,” he said.

Well, as these things go, they were about to have a major argument about whether it was raining or snowing. But just then they saw a minor communist party official walking toward them.

“Let’s not fight about it”, the man said, “Let’s ask Comrade Rudolph whether it’s officially raining or snowing”.

As the official approached, the man said, “Tell us, Comrade Rudolph, is it officially raining or snowing?”

“It’s raining, of course”, he replied, and walked on.

But the woman insisted: “I know that felt like snow!”

To which the man quietly replied:

“Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear.”

Humbly submitted to the Christmas Alliance HQ Homepage.

Considered Opinion: Nzinga’s a Dumbass Racist

Running short on time, so this is a very quick drive-by post. Dig a little on yout own for more info.

MsUnderestimated points out a Hannity/Colmes interview of Hashim Nzinga, December 6 (yesterday), where Hannity tried manfully and politely (but insistently) to get Nzinga to respond to a simple question about former North Carolina State University professor Kamau Kambon’s rant about solving the world’s problems by exterminating white people. Specifically referring to Kambon’s serious proposal to exterminate white people, Hannity asked Nzinga, “Are you going to support this?”

Nzinga refused over and over again to answer the question, instead repeatedly referring to the “fact” that ONLY white people commit mass murder, and implying again and again, in line with Kamau’s thesis, that whtes are actively seeking to exterminate blacks.

Oh, really, Mr. Dumbass Nzinga? One answer would suffice to completely invalidate both Mr. Kambon’s and Mr. Nzinga’s argument that whites and whites alone aremass murderers (especially of blacks): Rwanda. That’s right, some of the most horrendous mass murder episodess of the last few decades weren’t even committed by Saddam Hussein’s regime, as bad as those were. It was black on black mass murder, both government sanctioned democide and “revolutionary” reprisals, in Rwanda.

But that’s not all, of course. Any reasonable, moderately literate person could do a quick search and turn up

“On April 6, 1994, Hutu extremists unleashed a genocide in which perhaps 800,000 people were murdered in one hundred days.”

And how many of those 800,000 or so black Rwandans were murdered by whites, Mr. Nzinga?

*crickets chirping*

I thought so. Your assertion that whites are “the only” (as I recall your rant) mass murderers, and especially of blacks, is simply false, and making assertions based on your wilfull ignorance (anyone with more working synapses than a head of cabbage has is unaware of black on black crime in this country, ongoing tribal atrocities in Africa, etc.) is nothing but sheer racist bigotry.

Now, go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

Valour-IT: PBS Takes Notice

FbL sent out a link to Valour-IT, Milblogs Give Hundreds of Laptops to
Wounded Soldiers
at the PBS Mediashift website, highlighting Valour-IT.

Mark Glaser opens his post with this:

As I sit here and type this blog post, I pause for a moment to consider how important my fingers and hands are to me as a blogger and writer. If I should be injured or lose the use of my hands in some awful accident, what would I do?

That hypothetical situation is very real for some American soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, where body armor helps protect them from getting killed from the blasts of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) ? but injuries to extremities are common. In the summer of 2005, when Army Captain Charles ?Chuck? Ziegenfuss, a military blogger, was severely injured by such an IED, he asked his blog audience to help him get voice-to-text software, Dragon Naturally Speaking, for his laptop.

Take a few moments to read and consider the story, which I now know began in August, 2005, the “brain child” of two people, who connected via the Internet, several thousand miles apart physically, yet of one mind, and each had the puzzle pieces to get the Valour-IT program started.

Here we are, 15 months later, at least $350K in the books and 650+ units in place, headed towards 850 in place by Christmas this year, and funding for more as a result of this year’s fund drive. Here’s some insight from Mark’s article:

Neither FbL or Ziegenfuss make any money themselves from the project, which has zero overhead and is completely volunteer-run , just like Soldier’s Angels, which offers all sorts of services for wounded soldiers. FbL, who prefers to keep her real name out of the spotlight and off her blogs, told me how amazed she was by the power of the blogosphere to organize for a cause and come together virtually.

Please, keep reading….. Continue reading “Valour-IT: PBS Takes Notice”