Fair Tax

Thanks to Terry Dillard for gleaning the following from “Neal’s Nuze”. Read it. Our current tax structure is like the berg that sank the Titanic. And the U.S. is, well, you get the drift. What good will it do to guard our borders, wage war on terrorists and Mass Media Podpeople, etc. (but I repeat myself) if we sink ourselves? Yes, it’s that critical.

We’ll let the man himself, Neal Boortz, write the burst this week. Well, not really. From Neal’s Nuze of 24-Jul-06 at his web site:


The FairTax movement is going strong my friends, stronger than you might imagine. I can assure you that the FairTax is attracting an ever-increasing degree of attention in Washington. I wish I could share the details, but the wonderful world of politics is such that it is much better to let the people involved spill the beans than to jump the gun by disclosing their interest or involvement ahead of time.

There have been three events in recent months that have really peaked interest among the political class. Continue reading “Fair Tax”

Guard the Borders

This blogburst post is a day late because… well, it just is. I let myself get jammed up on time yesterday and just didn’t get it posted. Nathan’s done his typically good job of addressing issues with this one, though, and it’s worth your time to read.

by Nathan Bradfield at Church and State

Groups such as the 21st Century Paul Revere Ride and “You Don’t SPEAK For Me” are taking a stand against illegal immigration and trying to push the issue back to the forefront so Americans can hold their elected officials accountable at the polls.

Via The Montgomery Advertiser:

Election day is more than three months away, but a group of border state residents wants to push the issue of illegal immigration to the forefront of campaign issues.


The six men, members of the 21st Century Paul Revere Ride, stopped Friday morning in Montgomery to speak to local residents at the state Capitol. The men are touring the country on motorcycles, stopping in each state capital.

“We are facing a human tsunami of population,” said Frosty Wooldridge, a retired schoolteacher and leader of the 54-city motorcyle tour. “If we don’t put a stop to illegal immigration and limit legal immigration, we’re turning America into a Third-World country.”

Speaking to a small crowd gathered at the base of the Capitol steps, Wooldridge said his message is neither racist nor classist, but is an answer to “a human dilemma.”

Wooldridge said the message engraved on a plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty has no bearing on the 21st century. “‘Give me your sick, your poor,’ those are 19th- and 20th-century ideals,” Wooldridge said. “We’re in a different era, with different problems.”

Along with advocating construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, members of the Ride are offering the issue of illegal immigration as a litmus test for congressional candidates.

“Find out who is for keeping illegal immigrants out of this country,” Wooldridge said. “If they’re for it, keep ’em in. If they’re against it, kick ’em out.”

The ride is more than half over, but Ride member Rick Chiesa said his message isn’t reaching enough people. “We can only do so much,” Chiesa said to the crowd. “Our message won’t get to Washington without your help.” Chiesa, along with the five other members of the Ride, advocates limiting immigration and ending illegal immigration altogether.

Randall Kirkland, who listened to Wooldridge from the shade of the Capitol, said he agreed with the message of the Ride. “I see it everyday where I’m from,” said Kirkland, of Prattville. “My friends or family try to get work at a construction site and it’s full, there’s always people there working for less.”

I attended the rally and enjoyed seeing Americans taking proactive action in their beliefs.

The group also has a blog and their FAQ section addresses their stance on the issues.

Do immigrants benefit the US economy by performing work no one else will?

The average immigrant according to the Center for Immigration Studies costs the US taxpayer $55,000.00 over a lifetime in social services over and above what that immigrant earned. Net drain annually for all immigrants is $70 billion to US taxpayers. Bear-Sterns Report shows $301 billion in uncollected IRS taxes from illegal aliens working under the table.

Immigrants don’t take jobs from Americans; they create jobs don’t they?

According to Professor Borjas at Harvard, they cost $200 billion annually in lost wages to American workers. They comprise the second largest underground economy in the world costing US taxpayers a loss of $301 billion in income taxes not collected according to Bear-Sterns Report.

Don’t immigrants catch up quickly economically and culturally, blending into society within a generation?

Today’s illegal aliens are not blending, not melting into society, not speaking English and not assimilating. Rather, they are separating into enclaves and creating apartheid within the USA. As former Colorado Governor Lamm said, “My sixth plan for America’s downfall would include dual citizenship and promote divided loyalties. I would celebrate diversity over unity. I would stress differences rather than similarities. Diverse people worldwide are mostly engaged in hating each other—that is, when they are not killing each other. A diverse, peaceful or stable society is against most historical precedent. People undervalue the unity it takes to keep a nation together.”

The ride will end August 12 with finale in Washington, DC.

Fortunately, both Alabama senators are opposed to the Senate Immigration Bill.

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL):

“The American people were counting on us to secure our borders and restore the rule of law to our immigration system,” Sessions said. “Unfortunately, the United States Senate today let the American people down by passing a deeply flawed bill that gives the illegal alien population every benefit this nation can bestow, and increases future legal immigration levels by three to five times the current level. Additionally, the immigration levels for the future ensure that 70 percent of the large influx will be admitted without having to meet any educational, skill or language requirements.”

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL):

“I am extremely concerned about the details of President Bush’s plan. I believe that it diminishes the notion of citizenship and undermines the foundation of law on which our country is built. I have long believed that our nation must have strong controls on the continual influx of immigrants. This proposal rewards those who have broken the laws to get to this country by allowing them to stay. In addition to being wrong in principle, the plan should also offend the legal immigrants who have stood in line and played by the rules to enter this country, as well as those still waiting to legally enter.”

But we’ll need more this fall at the polls.

The group “You Don’t SPEAK For Me”, of hispanic decent, is speaking out against other hispanics who have no place demanding rights and they refuse to support any amnesty plan.

Their website has links for the following:

  • The U.S. Constitution
  • The Democratic Process
  • U.S. History
  • English Language Training
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Care and Handling of the U.S. Flag

How refreshing!

Their five guiding principles are one that all American citizens and politicians should embrace.

All immigration should be legal
Illegal immigration hurts everyone, while carefully planned legal immigration helps. We believe in stopping illegal immigration and securing the national and economic future of our nation.

Illegal aliens from any country should never be rewarded with benefits or privileges
Becoming an American citizen is a unique and wonderful privilege. The legal route to becoming a citizen is not easy and requires patience and hard work. Those who break the law and come illegally should not be granted any benefits or privileges. No driver’s license, no welfare benefits, no free health care, no in-state tuition – simply put . . . no state or federal benefits!

No amnesty – no way!
Amnesty is rewarding people who break the law. From past experience we have learned that granting amnesty only leads to increased illegal immigration. Those here illegally are taking advantage of our compassion. We say No Amnesty-No Way!

Secure our borders now and fully enforce immigration laws
The best way to stop the flow of illegal immigration coming across our borders is to build a high security fence along the length of our southern border where the majority of illegal traffic takes place. We must also vigorously enforce our existing immigration laws. Local and state law enforcement should be free to enforce immigration laws. Employers who hire illegal workers should be heavily fined and if a pattern of practice is established their owners/corporate officers should be fined and jailed for the offenses and the corporate charter revoked. Identification documents must be limited and strong security measures like biometrics applied to documents of foreign workers. American citizens driver’s licenses are now secured by the Real ID Act, non-citizens should be required to present documents not susceptible to fraud and counterfeit, and include biometric security measures – especially for work purposes.

Learn and speak English
Learning the language of this country is the very least an immigrant can do. Learn and speak English. Learn the history of this country. Learn the Constitution and civics. Learn and practice the principles that make America the greatest country in the world.

Amen brothers!

This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It is syndicated by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration in our country, join the Blogburst! Send an email with your blog name and url to euphoricrealitynet at gmail dot com.

Voting for The Blogs of Summer

Update: Voting Closed on the “normal” categories last night. Check Lyn’s Bloggin’ Outloud (link on graphic below) for info on voting extensions for that category where voting has not closed.

This post will remain on top for a couple more days Unstickied, now…. and still open for trackbacks during that time. [Closed to further trackbacks, now]

Celebrating the Blogs of Summer

This post will be On Top through the close of voting on July 27. You may consider this as an Open Trackback post through Thursday this week. But DO vote in comments (Oops! Didn’t edit this reference out earlier when I finally included the blogpoll graphic/voting thingy. DID catch the votes, though.) on which blog should be considered THE Political Blog of Summer 2006.

N.B. When email time lag with Lyn works its way through, I’ll probably amend this post.

Lyn’s final list of Finalists *heh*:

Adam’s Blog

Belle of the Brawl

Chicago Ray

Little Miss Chatterbox

Outlaw Republican

(when the server loads) or here:

(Again, whenever it loads–Blogpoll.com. *heh*)

I’ll still make sure any “prevotes” get counted. Somehow, someway.

And do CLICK on the graphic above to visit Bloggin’ Outloud in order to visit the other category sponsors!

All those nominated in the political blogs category. Visit ’em all:

Continue reading “Voting for The Blogs of Summer”

Get Hacked!

Think you’re practicing safe computing? Maybe. Get hacked on the fly is a video shot at McAfee’s Avert Labs Day late last year showing how you can be hacked just by visiting a site set up to do a drive-by malware exploit. Even behind a NAT router/firewall.

Safer than the example shown? A GOOD NAT/SPI firewall (preferably two: one hardware firewall and another software firewall) and a safer browser. You know the one I recommend. 🙂 (Yeh, I need to update the graphic in my sidebar, cos Opera 9.01 is out.)

Sidebar: Linux users, of course, are a bit safer, as are extremely small market share (what? under 3%?) Mac users. (Extremely small? WC3 surveys of internet use have Linux internet users with a slight edge over Mac users. That’s an upstart, open source, tinkerer’s OS beating out a highly-capitalized, old-line personal computer OS in user base. Apple must be doing something(s) wrong… *heh*)

Noted at Stuck on Stupid’s Presidential Straw Poll and Echo9er’s GREAT voicemail message (I think I’m gonna have to change mine to that and “suggest” it to the White House comment line… )

Coming outa the blogospherical closet…

…and into the Academia Nut Fruitcake Bakeries?


I just had a contact from a marketing prof at an accredited state university (call it somewhere in the Southeast part of the country) asking permission to use one of my “tightwaddery” posts in an upcoming textbook. Now, marketing isn’t usually where one finds major Academia Nut Fruitcakes—that’s more likely to be in English or History or Education or “Wymyn’s Studies” departments—but still I checked the guy’s previous publications out. They seemed OK, so I sent him permission.

We’ll see what the book is like, since he offered to comp me a copy (250 words or so of my deathless prose outa 700 or so pages? A comp copy of the book seemed a fair offer. *heh*)

Now, the blog post the guy wanted to cite was at one of my less-used, less active blogs, but I figured it was worth importing, so here it is: The Joys of Being a Tightwad.

Make of it what you will.

I oughta search through some of my other blogs for more useful stuff. You’d never know…


Update on “Early Fireworks”

This is just a drive-by post/update on Lovely Daughter’s lil pre-4th encounter with a guy who (in his words on the accident report) “saw the red light, but I thought I could make it” (?!?!?) for those who have commented (more in email than on the post—thanks to you all) on the “accident”. “Drive-by” update cos I’m still “snowed” (“sawdusted”?) under…

The semi-final estimate (not all parts pricing is in yet) places repairing the thing at about $1,000 less just a smidge under what her car actually cost to begin with, which was… less than 1.5 months off the new car lot.

Total, ya think?

But Yolanda Yaris did its job of protecting its “cargo”.

A coupla bye-bye pics of Yolanda Yaris:


Yolanda Yaris--New

(And no, that’s not what Lovely Daughter’s face looks like. Blurred out mostly cos of her work.)

And now…

Yolanda Yaris R.I.P.

Ins company’s playing “push the kid around” but they don’t know my Lovely Daughter very well. That’s kinda like messing with a force of nature… (But her Toyota dealership’s REALLY working with her, since they already know where she’s buying the replacement. *heh*)

Gots ta go. “The faster I runs the behinder I gets.”


A kinda shirtsleeve observation.

What would you call someone to whom people are only real in terms of what is to be gained or lost by using them? You know; you’ve met the kind. No conscience (except one that can be faked for a show of “sincerity” and humanity). Someone for whom a distorted self-image places them at the pinacle of existance, for whom others are just markers in a game.

A literate person would call such a person a sociopathic personality, or—depending on the extremity of their ego involvement and destructive manipulation and coercion of others—an ego-centric personality disorder bordering on, or crossing the border into, the psychopathic.

I simply call such a person a politician.

Seriously. Examine all the politiciqans you have met, have known or now know. Include the behaviors of politicians as you can piece them together from news reports (although reports from Mass Media Podpeople can be unreliable) and voting records, constituent contacts, etc.

Now, I have known some few politicians at the local level who were only borderline sociopaths, and some few who were (at least for a while) seemingly decent people. At the state level, I’ve known a couple who seemed to be real people.

At the national level? *whew!* Have to look long and hard to find the scant handful of politicians who ought not to be locked away in some deep, dark dungeon for the good of humanity.


Now, that’s not to say that politics is the only place where such critters can be found (although I’d dare say you’d find it impossible to spit ANYWHERE in a room full of congresscritters and NOT hit a sociopath). No, the entire Hivemind of Mass Media Podpeople is populated with these monsters (or self-made idiots who fit in well with the Hivemind), and Academia Nut Fruitcakes don’t fall far from the tree, either. In fact, this monstrous creature can be found rather abundantly among the clergy, sad to say (although admittedly in fewer numbers than among the political class, the Mass Media Podpeople and Academia Nut fruitcakes).

But the political class… that’s the motherlode of sociopathy.

Analyzing my head off at Stop the ACLU, Conservative Cat, TMH’s Bacon Bits

Just Stuff

Just page on down if this isn’t up your alley. There’s more—different stuff—in posts below.

Tried out Ubuntu 6.06 “Dapper Drake” recently (interesting article/discussion here). I have to build another comp (or salvage/change over one of the Windows comps here) and really wring it out, cos trying it off a boot CD was… really cool! Recognized ALL the hardware, set things up and up came the really slick, immediately usable Ubuntu desktop. This seems to be easy enough for the proverbial Aunt Tilly. While it only came with Firefox installed by default, it has an easily accessible link to download and install Opera 9.

I LIKE! Now, if only I could find a Windows emulator that does a good enough job to let me use my music transcription software and sequencing/recording software with Ubuntu, I’d switch all but a coupla machines over to it and just keep the Windows machines around as a reference (for tech support). I already use cross-platform apps like Opera and Open Office for most other things.

In case anyone’s wondering… Yesterday, Spam Karma2/Askimet (yeh, I have ’em both installed) caught over 2,500 trackback spam comments. At least that’s what they reported. I dunno, cos although I usually go through ALL the reported SPAm to see if there were any false positives (and there are maybe 5 or 6 a week that are), I just did not have the time yesterday to go through more than 2,500 to see if there were any false positives.

So, in case you were wondering what may have happened to a trackback, that’s a possibility…

My Wonder Woman has a new lil camera. A nice lil HP Photosmart 433. Not top-of-the-line, but nice. She’ll probably use it for library stuff–web pages, newspaper press releases, etc. It has some basic audio-video capabilities on top of its primary still camera functions. For someone wanting a basic lil digital camera, this might be nice. Or maybe ya need a spare. Still OK. Takes up to 128MB memory cards, so the lil 3megapixel+ camera can store quite a few photos.

And it fits her hand nicely, too. Cute lil thang. (The camera, too.)

Learning what its like to run two routers/firewalls. Interesting. Should I add a third? *LOL* Really, just needed to subnet out my wired network (slightly better security), and now that I have a new lil Netgear WGR614 (wireless) router/firewall w/NAT and SPI, switching out the “old” Asante wireless router (and holding it as a spare–it’s a manuf replacement for one that died) seems like the right thing to do, eh? *heh* I do these silly things so folks can shake their heads and laugh at me…

Anybody want a flaky motherboard? One of the computers here at twc just up n died. No problem, really, just… drat. Pull alla parts n bag ’em. Pull the mobo and trash it. New mobo (heck, why not new mobo, processor, memory… yeh! That’s the ticket! :-)), parts back in and… oh, heck. It was my last Windows 98 computer. Sentimental attachment to some of that old software, but… hey! It’s make a nice new Linux comp, now wouldn’t it?

All’s well that ends well!


Now, where’s that mobo I wanna use, anyway… it MUSt be around in this mess somewhere…

Yeh, yeh. Maybe I should wait til I move my office setup downstairs. *sigh*


Getcher Nominations In!/Weekend Open Trackbacks

This is an Open Trackbacks Alliance post. Open trackbacks to THIS POST all weekend long. Link to THIS POST and track back. More below the Important Announcement…

Celebrating the Blogs of Summer

Get your nominations for the Blogs of Summer in!

Beginning Monday, you’ll be able to vote for blogs nominated in each of the six categories.

1) Chick & Mommy Blogs
2) Humor & Satire Blogs
3) Milblogs/Military Support Blogs
4) Random Blogs That Don’t Fit a Category
5) Kitty Kat Blogs (And Other Pets too!)
6) Political Blogs (Or Something Close)

Check it out now, get your nominations in and prepare to vote!

As I said, this is an open trackback post open all weekend long. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

Fair Tax Compared to Flat Tax and Current Income Tax

Via Terry Dillard, the info below is a kinda shirtsleeve comparison of the Fair Tax, the current Income Tax and the Flat Tax proposal. The same information can be seen in table format here (although the table format might best be viewed in screen resolutions of 1024X768 or above).

Do you want to know why I support the FairTax? Check the various issues below and see how the Income Tax, a Flat Tax, and the FairTax would affect each situation.

Continue reading “Fair Tax Compared to Flat Tax and Current Income Tax”