Just Stuff

Just page on down if this isn’t up your alley. There’s more—different stuff—in posts below.

Tried out Ubuntu 6.06 “Dapper Drake” recently (interesting article/discussion here). I have to build another comp (or salvage/change over one of the Windows comps here) and really wring it out, cos trying it off a boot CD was… really cool! Recognized ALL the hardware, set things up and up came the really slick, immediately usable Ubuntu desktop. This seems to be easy enough for the proverbial Aunt Tilly. While it only came with Firefox installed by default, it has an easily accessible link to download and install Opera 9.

I LIKE! Now, if only I could find a Windows emulator that does a good enough job to let me use my music transcription software and sequencing/recording software with Ubuntu, I’d switch all but a coupla machines over to it and just keep the Windows machines around as a reference (for tech support). I already use cross-platform apps like Opera and Open Office for most other things.

In case anyone’s wondering… Yesterday, Spam Karma2/Askimet (yeh, I have ’em both installed) caught over 2,500 trackback spam comments. At least that’s what they reported. I dunno, cos although I usually go through ALL the reported SPAm to see if there were any false positives (and there are maybe 5 or 6 a week that are), I just did not have the time yesterday to go through more than 2,500 to see if there were any false positives.

So, in case you were wondering what may have happened to a trackback, that’s a possibility…

My Wonder Woman has a new lil camera. A nice lil HP Photosmart 433. Not top-of-the-line, but nice. She’ll probably use it for library stuff–web pages, newspaper press releases, etc. It has some basic audio-video capabilities on top of its primary still camera functions. For someone wanting a basic lil digital camera, this might be nice. Or maybe ya need a spare. Still OK. Takes up to 128MB memory cards, so the lil 3megapixel+ camera can store quite a few photos.

And it fits her hand nicely, too. Cute lil thang. (The camera, too.)

Learning what its like to run two routers/firewalls. Interesting. Should I add a third? *LOL* Really, just needed to subnet out my wired network (slightly better security), and now that I have a new lil Netgear WGR614 (wireless) router/firewall w/NAT and SPI, switching out the “old” Asante wireless router (and holding it as a spare–it’s a manuf replacement for one that died) seems like the right thing to do, eh? *heh* I do these silly things so folks can shake their heads and laugh at me…

Anybody want a flaky motherboard? One of the computers here at twc just up n died. No problem, really, just… drat. Pull alla parts n bag ’em. Pull the mobo and trash it. New mobo (heck, why not new mobo, processor, memory… yeh! That’s the ticket! :-)), parts back in and… oh, heck. It was my last Windows 98 computer. Sentimental attachment to some of that old software, but… hey! It’s make a nice new Linux comp, now wouldn’t it?

All’s well that ends well!


Now, where’s that mobo I wanna use, anyway… it MUSt be around in this mess somewhere…

Yeh, yeh. Maybe I should wait til I move my office setup downstairs. *sigh*


One Reply to “Just Stuff”

  1. Wowie, that’s a lot of spam. Sounds like a cute camera, I could use a new one myself, but the one I got was free and still works…… sorry about the computer, but glad you can make it into something great. Anyway, that’s my quick drive-by for the evening, still going to work on that blogroll, the little one wants mommy attention, no time to read blogs of late ;).

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