Fair Tax Compared to Flat Tax and Current Income Tax

Via Terry Dillard, the info below is a kinda shirtsleeve comparison of the Fair Tax, the current Income Tax and the Flat Tax proposal. The same information can be seen in table format here (although the table format might best be viewed in screen resolutions of 1024X768 or above).

Do you want to know why I support the FairTax? Check the various issues below and see how the Income Tax, a Flat Tax, and the FairTax would affect each situation.

Continue reading “Fair Tax Compared to Flat Tax and Current Income Tax”

Important post at Chaos Manor Musings/Open Trackbacks

This is an Open Trackbacks Alliance post. Link to THIS POST and track back. More below the pointer to an Important Post at Chaos Manor Musings.

Jerry Pournelle’s always worth listening to, and no less with this post. A sample:

Newt Gingrich and others are calling it World War III. By definition, it cannot be a World War unless the United States is actively involved. Should we be in this war? The question is, what is the national interest of the United States, and what is our best way of protecting that interest?

…The Bush Doctrine says that any nation that protects and harbors terrorists who attack the United States is an enemy of the United States and can be a target for US military action. That is the primary Bush Doctrine, and I think nearly every reader here will accept that.

An extension of the Bush Doctrine is that planting democracies will further world stability and be detrimental to terrorism. That is a secondary Bush Doctrine, and I for one do not accept it…

It’d profit you much to read the whole thing. There’s more including some contributions from a reader on the Wegman Report—a bombshell exploding upside da head of global warmists… Hint: the “hockey stick” is dead, dead, dead.

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