Coming outa the blogospherical closet…

…and into the Academia Nut Fruitcake Bakeries?


I just had a contact from a marketing prof at an accredited state university (call it somewhere in the Southeast part of the country) asking permission to use one of my “tightwaddery” posts in an upcoming textbook. Now, marketing isn’t usually where one finds major Academia Nut Fruitcakes—that’s more likely to be in English or History or Education or “Wymyn’s Studies” departments—but still I checked the guy’s previous publications out. They seemed OK, so I sent him permission.

We’ll see what the book is like, since he offered to comp me a copy (250 words or so of my deathless prose outa 700 or so pages? A comp copy of the book seemed a fair offer. *heh*)

Now, the blog post the guy wanted to cite was at one of my less-used, less active blogs, but I figured it was worth importing, so here it is: The Joys of Being a Tightwad.

Make of it what you will.

I oughta search through some of my other blogs for more useful stuff. You’d never know…


Update on “Early Fireworks”

This is just a drive-by post/update on Lovely Daughter’s lil pre-4th encounter with a guy who (in his words on the accident report) “saw the red light, but I thought I could make it” (?!?!?) for those who have commented (more in email than on the post—thanks to you all) on the “accident”. “Drive-by” update cos I’m still “snowed” (“sawdusted”?) under…

The semi-final estimate (not all parts pricing is in yet) places repairing the thing at about $1,000 less just a smidge under what her car actually cost to begin with, which was… less than 1.5 months off the new car lot.

Total, ya think?

But Yolanda Yaris did its job of protecting its “cargo”.

A coupla bye-bye pics of Yolanda Yaris:


Yolanda Yaris--New

(And no, that’s not what Lovely Daughter’s face looks like. Blurred out mostly cos of her work.)

And now…

Yolanda Yaris R.I.P.

Ins company’s playing “push the kid around” but they don’t know my Lovely Daughter very well. That’s kinda like messing with a force of nature… (But her Toyota dealership’s REALLY working with her, since they already know where she’s buying the replacement. *heh*)

Gots ta go. “The faster I runs the behinder I gets.”


A kinda shirtsleeve observation.

What would you call someone to whom people are only real in terms of what is to be gained or lost by using them? You know; you’ve met the kind. No conscience (except one that can be faked for a show of “sincerity” and humanity). Someone for whom a distorted self-image places them at the pinacle of existance, for whom others are just markers in a game.

A literate person would call such a person a sociopathic personality, or—depending on the extremity of their ego involvement and destructive manipulation and coercion of others—an ego-centric personality disorder bordering on, or crossing the border into, the psychopathic.

I simply call such a person a politician.

Seriously. Examine all the politiciqans you have met, have known or now know. Include the behaviors of politicians as you can piece them together from news reports (although reports from Mass Media Podpeople can be unreliable) and voting records, constituent contacts, etc.

Now, I have known some few politicians at the local level who were only borderline sociopaths, and some few who were (at least for a while) seemingly decent people. At the state level, I’ve known a couple who seemed to be real people.

At the national level? *whew!* Have to look long and hard to find the scant handful of politicians who ought not to be locked away in some deep, dark dungeon for the good of humanity.


Now, that’s not to say that politics is the only place where such critters can be found (although I’d dare say you’d find it impossible to spit ANYWHERE in a room full of congresscritters and NOT hit a sociopath). No, the entire Hivemind of Mass Media Podpeople is populated with these monsters (or self-made idiots who fit in well with the Hivemind), and Academia Nut Fruitcakes don’t fall far from the tree, either. In fact, this monstrous creature can be found rather abundantly among the clergy, sad to say (although admittedly in fewer numbers than among the political class, the Mass Media Podpeople and Academia Nut fruitcakes).

But the political class… that’s the motherlode of sociopathy.

Analyzing my head off at Stop the ACLU, Conservative Cat, TMH’s Bacon Bits