Get Hacked!

Think you’re practicing safe computing? Maybe. Get hacked on the fly is a video shot at McAfee’s Avert Labs Day late last year showing how you can be hacked just by visiting a site set up to do a drive-by malware exploit. Even behind a NAT router/firewall.

Safer than the example shown? A GOOD NAT/SPI firewall (preferably two: one hardware firewall and another software firewall) and a safer browser. You know the one I recommend. 🙂 (Yeh, I need to update the graphic in my sidebar, cos Opera 9.01 is out.)

Sidebar: Linux users, of course, are a bit safer, as are extremely small market share (what? under 3%?) Mac users. (Extremely small? WC3 surveys of internet use have Linux internet users with a slight edge over Mac users. That’s an upstart, open source, tinkerer’s OS beating out a highly-capitalized, old-line personal computer OS in user base. Apple must be doing something(s) wrong… *heh*)

Noted at Stuck on Stupid’s Presidential Straw Poll and Echo9er’s GREAT voicemail message (I think I’m gonna have to change mine to that and “suggest” it to the White House comment line… )