Coming outa the blogospherical closet…

…and into the Academia Nut Fruitcake Bakeries?


I just had a contact from a marketing prof at an accredited state university (call it somewhere in the Southeast part of the country) asking permission to use one of my “tightwaddery” posts in an upcoming textbook. Now, marketing isn’t usually where one finds major Academia Nut Fruitcakes—that’s more likely to be in English or History or Education or “Wymyn’s Studies” departments—but still I checked the guy’s previous publications out. They seemed OK, so I sent him permission.

We’ll see what the book is like, since he offered to comp me a copy (250 words or so of my deathless prose outa 700 or so pages? A comp copy of the book seemed a fair offer. *heh*)

Now, the blog post the guy wanted to cite was at one of my less-used, less active blogs, but I figured it was worth importing, so here it is: The Joys of Being a Tightwad.

Make of it what you will.

I oughta search through some of my other blogs for more useful stuff. You’d never know…


7 Replies to “Coming outa the blogospherical closet…”

  1. And the checkers look at me like I’m crazy when I buy 20 bottles of BBQ sauce when they run them for the very low price of 39 cents. (Usually before the 4th of July or Labor Day.)

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  3. Knew I liked you for a reason. And I’m glad to know that somewhere, out there, students are going to be taught the idea that “sticker price is not the ultimate determinant of either utility or economy.” A concept far, far too many of them fail to grasp not only in college but in life.

  4. Took a look at the other comments on this thread. Someone smack that advertiser – though I have to admit, there’s a special sort of irony inherent in anyone having the cojones to advertise on this particular thread.

  5. Yeh, RYak, SK2 has missed a few… and with SPAM comments/trackbacks running between 1,500-2,500/day for the past week, I’m missing a few that slip through, too.

    Still, the few that do slip through (and the few that are false positives caught in SPAM filters) are a small price to pay for the kinda blog I want to run.


    And yeh, now that you point it out, the SPAM on this post is kinda… ironic. No more stupid than any other SPAM, just a sort of an accidental meta-comment. In fact, I may leave this for that reason alone…

    Thanks for the observations

  6. “Make of it what you will.”

    Seems the guy writing the book should give you a book for free – the entire book. Seems he is being a ‘tightwad’ himself! Is he giving you a free plug for your Blog in the book? 🙂

    I guess there is a little tightwad in all of us. I look for sales on everything I buy. Most of the time, I scour the department store clothes racks for those ‘Sale’ or ‘Clearance’ signs. There is usually always a great buy there someone else has overlooked!

  7. I think you oughta hold out for royalties – 250 words out of 700 pages is something after all. You could pro-rate it or something 🙂


    Congratulations! That’s great – you are getting published off your blog!

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