Paying the Butcher’s Bill

This is not an easy post to write, and I’ll say up front that I know I cannot do the subject matter justice.

This is about a guy named Stan (NOT his real name) and his four sons…

Last Friday, I was just too pooped to pop. I’d been doing some renovation here at home evenings and in “grab time” as I could all week. Fortunately, for the really heavy stuff (like multiple moves of Wonder Woman’s upright grand piano), Son & Heir was around to help. Usually. (Picking up the flooring was a different story, but it’s all good.)

So, too pooped to pop also meant I was too pooped to cook. And not feeling like “eating out” eating out. So… we bundled into Ferdinand (the Taurus) and headed outa county for some decent fast food, which around here meant one thing: THE fast food joint. Now, there are several of this type within driving range of twc (say, 40 miles or so), but rthe nearest one is the best one. Truly better food and… nice atmosphere. In a fast food joint! (Amazing, really.) And the reason is “Stan”–the manager.

Recently, though, “Stan’s” been looking tired, worn. Usually energetic, highly personable, a guy folks think of as a friend on merely short aquaintance. A great people person. I commented to Wonder Woman about the changes in “Stan’s” affect, and we wondered what had been going on with him since we’d last been in (which, as we looked back, had actually been several months).

We’d finished our meal (and it was good food–again, amazing for a fast food joint) and were nursing our sodas, just relaxing, when I engaged “Stan” in conversation while getting some refills. We talked a bit at the machine, then he came and joined us at our table.

Lotta talk about his work, his boss making him take his accumulated vacation time, etc., and then he kinda eased into things. You see, one of the reasons his boss was making him take his accumulated vacation time is that his grandson, whom he’s never seen, and his daughter-in-law, whom he’s never met, are due in the U.S. in a couple of weeks.

From Iraq.

It seems that one of his sons met an Iraqi girl while stationed there, married her and had a son of his own. So “Stan’s” a grandfather, now.

Which takes a little of the sting out of losing two of his sons in Iraq this year, one of whom made him a grandfather.

Right. “Stan’s” retired Army (his MOS was all over the map, but trust me, “special forces” was in there). His four sons are Army. Three were stationed in Iraq, one in Afganistan.

All are back, now, although two returned in caskets. This year.

You know the thing that would be strange to folks on “the left” who proclaim their caring for the guys in Iraq (but no surprise to anyone who’s met even one or two guys like “Stan” and his sons) is that “Stan” harbors no ill will toward the military, the administration or “the war” as a result of his loss.

And his two sons, from his report, are itching to get back in theater.

It’s people like “Stan” and his family who are paying MORE than their share of the cost in blood and real treasure who have real moral authority, not people like “Mother Sheehan” who is, by all evidence, enjoying her loss no end.

Four sons. Two gone. A newly arrived grandson and daughter-in-law to care for.

“Stan” and his sons, and all those like them, are true American heroes.

Pray for them and families all over this country just like them.

Note a father who holds a different opinion (and how Bruce deals with it) at Conservative Cat.

N.B. Because I was not even thinking about blogging during the hour or so we sat visiting, I did not ask “Stan” for permission to relate this, and so I am not using his name or even directly identifying the very recognizable “fast food joint” he manages. I hope to touch base again with him before he goes on vacation, but this will have to be enough.

Guard the Borders Blogburst

While I actually prefer ranting and raving and foaming at the mouth to the lies that Political Poltroons, Academia Nut Fruitcakes, Mass Media Podpeople and loony Left Moonbats pass off as “reasonable discourse, today’s Guard the Borders post is by someone who approaches the subject with a calm reason that persuades me to forgo my personal prference for going after those who aid and abet in the criminal trespass/illegal alien invasion they excuse as merely the presence of “undocumented immigrants” with (metaphorical) pitchfork, tar and feathers (and rope and tree).

A Clarification on my Position on Immigration

Written By Linda at Right as Usual

In talking to some readers, I realized that they were under the impression that I disliked immigrants.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

My maiden name sounded distinctly “ethnic” and unusual. As a result, most people assumed that I was one of the many displaced people that arrived in the Cleveland area after WWII, including the recently arrived.

I, not being the brightest bulb in the pack, just thought they were interested in fascinating me when they eagerly initiated conversations. I didn’t realize at the time they were hoping to talk to a fellow “newbie”.

This resulted in my acquiring friendships with people from:

    * Estonia
    * Germany
    * Brazil
    * Lebanon
    * Syria
    * India
    * Taiwan
    * Japan
    * Hong Kong
    * Pakistan
    * Vietnam
    * England
    * Greece
    * Jordan
    * Romania
    * Hungary
    * Poland
    * Spain
    * Peru
    * Korea
    * Austria
    * Liberia
    * Yugoslavia
    * Mexico

…just to name the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

With the exception of one person from Mexico, they all had something in common – they LEGALLY immigrated.

And that’s the crux of my “problem” with immigration. I simply think it’s unfair to keep allowing people to flow over the border without going through channels. Some want to think of themselves as compassionate people, who gladly accept the “poor, huddled masses, yearning to breathe free”.

Yeah, right. By allowing those who ignore inconvenient laws to escape retribution, our country is denying law-abiding foreigners to claim their rightful spot in the queue. Folks, we can’t accept everybody. The world holds over 6 billion people. At what point would you like us to stop taking everyone in?

When our economy breaks down under the strain of taking in under-educated, under-skilled workers? Many of them don’t contribute to Social Security and taxes – they are paid under the table.

When our schools no longer have the ability to educate our children? It costs money to provide ESL services, folks.

When the illegals outnumber the natives? And vote against democracy? See last week’s Blogburst articles for examples of THAT.

Any discussion of immigration has to begin with a recognition that we can’t take in a flood of people without documentation, who started that journey by breaking the law, and who largely don’t speak much English and have little education or skills. To do so jeopardizes the very structure of our society. We can bring in SOME, we can adjust to helping them assimilate, we just can’t manage the process with this many at once.

Yeah, I know they just want to work. The question to ask is, would you give up YOUR job to help the immigrant? Would you take them into YOUR house? Would you work a second job to pay for educating their kids?

If not, then you haven’t the right to expect the rest of the country to do what you won’t do.

This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It is syndicated by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration in our country, join the Blogburst! Send an email with your blog name and url to euphoricrealitynet at gmail dot com.

Linda makes the point I make every time I call my congresscritters (two of whom–the senators–are pretty firmly on board with protecting our borders and enforcing our laws) and the White House: any dealings with illegal immigrants that allow them to stay and “earn” citizenship is NOT making them get in line with (or preferably behind) all the others who are seeking legal admission to this country. And politicians’ representations otherwise are simply lies. And that includes President Bush’s lies in this matter.

False Authority

Well, I’m easing back into active posting with this Monday Open Trackbacks post. Link to this post and track back. More below the post body.

I believe people today are too “credentials crazy” and rely too heavily on someone’s C.V. to provide validation for their postings. While I have gone the university/grad school route (in a couple of different fields), I try to avoid citing those degrees or even my experience in those fields, as much as possible, to stamp “authority” over an opinion. If a particular personal experience (or set of experiences) can serve as support for other material from other sources, then that seems valid, but just saying “I have a (or several) degrees in such-and-so and work in the field” as an argument in and of itself for or against a position is just so much bullshit.

OK, rabbit trail (although this does indeed go somewhere, and will be revelatory). Authority has several faces, and several sources. Some legitimate and others not so (or not at all).

Two classes make religious authoritarian statements (although one denies it): actual, well, “religious leaders” and soi disant “scientists” who make religious claims about “science” (yes, there’s a good reason for the scare quotes).

In the area of relatively above board religious statements, there’s divine authority and human opinion. Wanna argue with God? Be my guest. (Glutton for punishment.) Some religious leaders claim divine authority. Tricky question. If one accepts the Bible as divinely authoritative, then a religious leader within Christianity (or I’d suppose Judaism) could claim to speak with authority if what he’s saying is… scripture. Otherwise, it’s just his opinion, and that’s only as authoritative as it is subject to reason, morality and scripture itself (we are talking about a particular set of authority here, after all). Any religiuous leader who simply asserts his opinion as authoritative because of his position within some religious hierarchy is playing at being the devil.

And yeh, if you wanna make an issue of it, I’ll argue that assertion from scripture.

Scientists as religious dogmatists? Global warming. There. That should be enough to tell any reasonable person to check the data, examine the processes, testing instruments and underlying assumptions at the very least before accepting any likely lie beginning with “scientists believe” or “scholars are in agreement” or any such crypto-cultic balderdash.

Oh! Lambasting “authorities”! Kicking the Sacred Cow by James P. Hogan. Just buy it and read. I don’t claim Hogan’s an “authority” on any of the subjects he touches on (nor does he), but he does point out some serious holes in the (really) religious statements of faith in scientism. Anthropogenic Global Warmism? Neodarwinism? Heck, “Einsteinism”. *heh* All just sects of the religion of scientism. And none of them nearly so authoritative as scientism would have you believe.

But what of darned near all other authority?

First, I distrust ALL assertions of authority. Unless a person can prove by citation of verifiable fact and via sound reasoning that their assertions are valid, then I don’t consider their assertions to have any authority at all. Credentials don’t count with me.

That includes doctors.



Teachers (of anything). Particularly, if a teacher cannot do–competently–what they are purporting to teach others, then I tend to write them off.

I will always place more credence in a carpenter telling me “This is how it’s done” (cos the carpenter’s authority can be checked by looking at his work) than I would a politician telling me, well, anything (because a politician can be checked by looking at his work *heh*), but particularly, “This is just political reality.” “Political reality” is a self-referential construct, only as “real” as the power we give to (or is illegitimately seized by) the politician claiming it.

What of authority as exercised by various civil governments? More and more, if measured by the principles this nation was built on as articulated by the Founders’ generation particularly, civil government authority is illegitimate. Think Kelo or Martha Stewart or Ramos and Compean or Ruby Ridge or the TSA or… (yes, the list is long and growing)

In fact, the more powerful the government entity, the more abusive and illegitimate its authority seems to be. Which is why so many of the easy pickings in governmental/bureaucratic abuses are from federal exercises of authority.

In fact, if all I were to say about the illegitimate use of “feddle gummint” authority–indeed, abuse of citizens that is in exactly the same vein as those abuses the Founders decried in the Declaratiion of Independence–were “Lon Horiuchi” then that would be enough to demonstrate absolute proof of Samuel Francis’ “anarcho-tyranny” label of bureaucratic/governmental abuse of authority.

And oh, my! did the Department of “Justice” cover itself in shame in the Ruby Ridge/Lon Horiuchi coverup or not? Department of “Jam-up-citizens” would be a more accurate name…

Authority: distrust it. Make it prove itself worthy of respect. Martha Stewart is my hero(ine). If only because her case made manifest the depravity of abusive “feddle gummint” turf-building anarcho-tyrannists. She was punished under 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 for “Lying to Government Agents”–according to testimony by the government agents in question AND a witness the “feddle gummint” persecutors later indicted for perjury for his testimony against Stewart. (Yeh, I don’t recall reading how that ended, but that they themselves indicted their own well-coached witness, the one who was THE critical nail in Martha’s coffin, says a lot, doesn’t it?)

At least some good, of a sort, has come out of the Martha Principle: “How to Avoid Going to Jail under 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 for Lying to Government Agents.”

Read it. Somewhere, there’s a feddle prosecutor or bureaucrat who can nail you for breaking a law or regulatory rule you don’t know exists. All that’s needed is for a feddle gummint bureaucrat or prosecutor to set his/her sights on you and decide they want your hide. That’s an essential element of anarcho-tyranny: the ability to pick and choose among thousands of regulations and laws and selectively enforce them for personal gain–turf-building, career-enhancement or simply petty revenge.

That’s where abuse of Constitutional authority has led us.

ANY abuse of authority is just as evil. Yes, evil.

Distrust authority. Men lie, usually for short-term gain. Bureaucrats are more likely to be petty, venal, corrupt and/or incompetent than not. Politicians are more likely to be all of those AND consumate liars than not.

And that brings me back to a revelation. Yeh, I have some academic creds. They are all crap. At best. From my earliest years, I learned to tune out the bullshit artists who claimed to be teachers (though I was fortunate to have some at all stages of my formal education path who were able doers in their field, as well). I consider myself semi-literate. Not a day goes by that I don’t make a new (to me) discovery, a “Hey! I didn’t know that!” kinda experience. Not all are as shocking as picking up an uncle’s “Bible”… to discover that it was in Greek (“But, but, I just heard him reading a passage aloud in English!”). Put me in a mind to get me one-a those thangs, too…

No, not all my “Aha!”s open up what seems to be a whole new world, as that experience did, but daily I learn new things that remind me–daily–how much there is to know that I do not.

And that also makes me a bit suspicious of folks who say with “authority” that things are such-and-so, when not only can I see exceptions to their model, but once firmly held their (false) view myself…

Question authority. Give persons “in authority” only the respect they are due… which means, only when they are right or at least honestly attempting to argue from reason and verifiable fact. When they are wrong, blow them a big, fat, juicy-wet raspberry. Ridicule is the highest, best response to false authority, the most generous response false authority deserves.

Want my C.V.? Go suck on a rock. My C.V. is irrelevant.

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Who? What?/Monday Open Trackback

Well, I’m easing back into active posting with this Monday Open Trackbacks post. Link to this post and track back. More below the post body.

Following a week mostly off blogging but during which I still ended up in several extended email exchanges, I thought to myself, “Self, some folks apparently think they know you and are making some false assumptions. Perhaps it’d be a service to be a lil more revealing about one’s past, eh?”

OK, if you’re up to it, CLICk to read more.

Continue reading “Who? What?/Monday Open Trackback”