Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness…

A request of you, gentle readers: as we approach another anniversary celebration of the Declaration of Independence, please read the thing and ponder it carefully.

There will be a test nearly every day hereafter, and an easily-recognized one come November…

The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies
In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

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Early “Fireworks” *sigh*

No, not what you think.

Lovely Daughter decided to take Yolanda yaris on a short road trip, since she had a long weekend and doesn’t need to be back at work until Thursday. Took off to visit her grandparents on her grandfather’s birthday weekend, a few hundred miles from her home.

Got a call just now. Some “early celebrant” who apprently ought not to have been on the road blew through a red light into her driver’s side door. Fortunately, Yolanda Yaris, LD’s new car, protected her pretty well, hence her call a few mins ago. Even more fortunately, the wife in a couple who witnessed the “accident” is a nurse and provided onsite care until the medics arri ved, then she and her husband provided transportation (since LD needed to stick around for a bit, didn’t want the whole ambulance experience, etc.).

She has full coverage ins, and the witnesses (and the idiot who plowed into her) all concurred the doof had run the light, so although from her description of the car, Yolanda is dust, now, LD will still be back on the road with a replacement.


Glad I wasn’t a witness. I’d probably be heading for a lockup while the doof was on his way to the hospital.

“Hit L.D., would you? Not something you should survive, idiot…”

Ah, well, one hopes at least the guy offs himself before reproducing.

I now return twc to its regular blogfare.

“Freedom of Speech” and “Freedom of Expression”: not equivalent terms

As we approach the Fourth of July, I thought I’d take a semi-break and blog about some topics I sometimes refer to peripherally but don’t usually give full posts of their own. I’ve blogged about this topic several times (1, 2, for example) in the past, but only within the context of posts dealing with slightly broader issues. That said…

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