Quailgate Kerfuffle/Open Post

This is an open post—all weekend long. Link to this post and trackback. Meanwhile… iHillary has succinctly summed up the real news of Quailgate with a (not-so-) simple graphic:


DO CLICK to read iHillary’s post accompanying the graphic.

And do CLICK on the OTA graphic below or on my left sidebar for more info on the Open Trackback Alliance, ‘K?

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven

10 Replies to “Quailgate Kerfuffle/Open Post”

  1. Pingback: Conservative Cat
  2. Pingback: AbbaGav
  3. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits
  4. Pingback: Freedom Folks
  5. Pingback: ★imaginekitty★
  6. Pingback: Conservative Cat

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