Snoots On the Line

snoot, n., a really extreme usage fanatic 1

Just today, I stumbled upon a site that tickles my English appreciation bone: Language Log (Also found here, I now see). It’ll take some time to work through the archives, but I do know where my “reading breaks” (breaks from reading books and news, that is) will be for a while. A sample:

…snoots are never scholars. At least, their snootish outpourings are never based on scholarly investigation and analysis, even if they have some scholarly credentials in other aspects of their intellectual life. The reason is simple: scholarship subordinates the self, at least temporarily, to an investigation of external fact, while the snootish posture immediately asserts the primacy of the self’s linguistic judgments. Snoots routinely invoke both the authority of tradition and the dictates of logic, but these are ex post facto rhetorical justifications, not the conclusions of a dispassionate analysis.

Oh. *sigh-smile* That excerpt has just about everything to satisfy the anti-post-literate age curmudgeon in me. *heh* I don’t even care that it issues a vague, gentle, completely unintentional indictment of some of my semi-private musings on this blog. This stuff is just really fun reading. (And I intended the amphibolous construction in that sentence. :-))

Oh, to-loo, to-lay! What frabjous fun, my beamish boys n girls!


Update: one of my very favorite bugaboos, “[just] semantics”, is dealt with briefly here.

“…As a rule of thumb, you should be suspicious whenever someone who’s not professionally involved in the study of semantic variation dismisses some difference as “(just) semantic(s)” or the like; it’s likely to be a dodge, or at least a stretching of the truth… “

A Re-run of Why We’re In the Mess We’re In

This is just the tip of the iceberg, folks. Here’s why we not only have a person occupying the White House who has spent millions avoiding presenting any proof he’s qualified to serve and whose every act since assuming office has been detrimental to the U.S. but also why we have the faithless Congress and despicable courts and federal bureaucrappy we have. You don’t even have to read between the lines to get the picture.

Yep. an electorate that’s barely intelligent enough and well-informed enough to stumble into the voting booth without breaking both legs and decapitating themselves with a butterfly ballot.

Windows 7 “Training” for Small Businesses in a Nutshell

For medium and small businesses that’re concerned about training expenses for moving from WinXP or Vista to Win7, I’ve outlined a short lil tutorial on how to train users on Win7.

1. Restrict each worker to non-admin user accounts only
2. Put icons to everything they need to do their work on the desktop.
3. REMOVE icons from their desktop to anything they do NOT need to do their work
4. Restrict their access to the Start orb to ONLY those applications they need to do their work and the ability to shut down, log off or restart the computer.

While you’re at it, set your network up so that all internet access is restricted to only those sites that are needed for work-related functions. Use OpenDNS or some such free site if you wish. It’s easy and unobtrusive (just returns a “not available” when ever someone attempts to log onto a site of a type you’ve blocked–auctions, webmail, whatever. Sites can be blocked by IP address as well, but that’s time-consuming, and you want inexpensive, right? :-))

All the above can be done in a day for most small-to-medium sized businesses. By one guy. Stick a fork in it. It’s done.

(Of course, for a little more time for one guy, as long as your essential, unreplaceable Windows programs can be run under WINE, you can save a bunch by installing a Linux distro… and doing the same thing as above with it.)

For Those Who Slept Through the “News”

The 0! has joined Dhimmi Kahtah, Yasser Arafat and Algore as a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. (*cue laugh track*)


[Note: I’ve not yet found an embeddable version of this video, so just click on over to RCP to view it]

A helpful commenter at Real Clear Politics seems to be fluent in Norwegian:

Ok for those who do not speak Norwegian let me translate: “[A]s a country filled with weaklings and men with no balls, we are delighted to award the Nobel peace price to a man who has does nothing other than offer lofty words and hollow rhetoric. We are actually going to present the award to someone who is destroying a once great country, because that is actually a good thing in our mind as we want everyone weak and meek, just like us. So the award goes to BO!!!!”


UPDATE: The Random Yak (very kindly and gently) blows a big fat raspberry at the Nobel committee. Mark Steyn could not have done it so well. The new Jonathan Swift.

UPDATE#2: The Obama Piece, urm, Peace Prize Theme Song:

I Started A Joke – Barry Gibb

(OK, I may catch a bit of flack from all my relatives of Norwegian ancestry–including my Wonder Woman–but it’ll all be worth it. ;-))

About Computer Security

At least weekly I check for sites with tips on computer security for the average user (translation: Windows user :-)) or thump myself on the head and ask, “What have I been doing that would be useful to others but that I’ve not gotten around to sharing?” *heh* Here’s a site that popped up on my radar not long back:

ESET’s security tips page is unusual for a security software vendor in that it does not directly tout its own wares and still gives good advice. The email and financial security tips are especially notable. ESET’s NOD32 Antivirus has a very strong reputation in computing circles, though, so if you’re in the market to buy security software, its internet security suite would be one place to look. For Windows users, ESET also offers free online scanning that is very thorough and doesn’t have the stumbling blocks some online scanning tools place in the way of less technically adept users. It is slow, though, precisely because it is very thorough, I imagine. Use it or another online scanner like Trend Micro’s once in a while as a “second opinion” to whatever anti-malware product(s) you already use.

Another site offers a highly welcome freebie from Microsoft: Microsoft Security Essentials I have been using/testing out this product on a Windows box for a short while now, and it performs remarkably well. While I don’t normally recommend running two anti-malware programs loaded at the same time, Microsoft Security Essentials doesn’t even seem to cause any conflicts with my primary anti-malware software. I know of some folks who’ve been testing it since it was in early release (beta) who are technically competent enough to listen to and who also profess to use it as their primary anti-malware defense, now. Free from Microsoft. Be sure, if you decide to use it, to download the correct version for your machine. Microsoft will scan to determine your Windows validation.

And another freebie from Microsoft that I highly recommend: the Microsoft Password Checker. Use it to test the strength of your passwords. My suggestion for memorable, moderately strong, passwords is that you have passwords that are eight characters or more in length composed of mixed upper and lower case letters and some numerals that do not correctly spell any word. To make them memorable, use place names, geographic features from places you’ve visited but not lived, or corruptions of old addresses or telephone numbers (more than 20 years out of date, if possible). Make sure each of these is misspelled or otherwise NOT possibly “cracked” with a “dictionary attack”. I think if you follow such a procedure, you’ll find some moderately strong passwords that are also memorable. Change passwords for online sites, routers exposed to the internet and computers that are open to visitors or the public regularly.

Computer security expert Rick Hellewell has this to offer:

[You] may want to ensure that all of their application software is current. One tool to do this, which has been discussed before, is the free Personal Software Inspector program from the anti-virus company Secunia, available here. This is a program that you will download and install, and it will scan the programs on your computer for current versions. Links in the program will help you install the updates, sometimes with minimal interaction. Secunia also has an on-line scanner here, which does require Java to be installed. I have used the PSI program, and the on-line scanner, and can recommend either.

Application updates are an important layer in malware protection. As is recognizing “social engineering” attacks (‘Your computer has a virus” popups, for example), operating system updates, and other safe computing practices.

I didn’t include the links Hellewell had in his text, because both are accessible here. I have used the PSI program and have found it to be useful, as well. A recent scan reported the usual suspects *sigh*

Internet Exploder-heh

Yep. Internet Exploder. Still the world’s “least good” major browser, although it does suck less than previous versions. Oh, what wasn’t reported as “insecure”? The other two browsers I use regularly: Opera and Firefox. Heck, even Safari passed.

And this, from a lesson learned the hard way by Jerry Pournelle,

…Roberta’s XP system was infected, probably through a forwarded link to a New York Times story; the Times article contained a popup advertisement that said it had detected a virus, and offered a program to remove the virus. Roberta knew better than to click on the “download” button, but she did click on the little red x up in the right hand corner of the message. That, of course, invited the virus to download, since the entire message was one big button. I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: if you get any such message, don’t try to close the message window. Use Task Manager to close the whole browser.

Yes, such popups can be a real pain in the neck (although most folks seem to feel the pain in an anatomically lower place), and even dangerous. Task Manager is accessed in Windows by the CTRL+ALT+DEL key combo. In Vista and Windows 7, you’ll be offered a page with options to choose from that includes “Start Task Manager” as an option. This article, from Microsoft, explains how to use this great tool that’s included with all current Windows installations. (Note: if you are on a business network, your IT department may have disabled access to Task Manager.) Better? Avoid all such popups by using Firefox or Opera as your primary browser, either of which can be more easily configured to kill most, though not all, such popups. Vista and Windows 7 have an added layer of protection from such “drive by” installations, though, in User Access Control prompts that nag users about software installation. In such cases, the nagging can save you quite a bit of hassle, though, so appreciate it. ๐Ÿ™‚

Government Services

Things are getting bad when it seems that contracting with the mob to perform legitimate government services would cost us less and restrict our freedom less than continuing to have the “feddle gummint” steal our money, waste it and at the same time turn us all into criminals they can slap upside the head any time they want with complete immunity from any correction.

What the “Feddle Gummint” Does…

…and ought/ought not to do.

I think one can fairly infer Jerry Pournelle’s view of the place of the “feddle gummint” (my term, not his) in our lives by this reference to the FDA,

“My own view is that government should enforce truth in advertising, and if someone says his product is snake oil and most people think it’s worthless, but there are some who believe it can revive the dead, the FDA should insist that the stuff is actually made with oil squeezed out of snakes and otherwise get out of the way. I understand that mine is not the most popular view and is unlikely to be adopted.”

I could live with such a fedgov…