I’ll Take “U.S. Constitution” for $1,000, Alex


“It’s all different now.” (Newt Gingrich, when he was Speaker of the House)


Since it took an Amendment to the Constitution (Amendment 18, now repealed) to give Congress the power to outlaw one mind-altering substance, alcohol, which Article or Amendment gives Congress the authority to outlaw any drug whatever?

I submit to you that Newt Gingrich’s answer to the question Jerry Pournelle posed (paraphrased above) is both unpersuasive and an example of just how far from the rule of law our “feddle gummint” masters have strayed.

From the Mouths of Androids…

…when it is not dreaming of electric sheep, the Mitt Romney android is getting some decent programming:

“I’ll bet you never dreamed you’d look back at Jimmy Carter as the good old days.”–Mitt Romney