Windows Secrets–Such Jolly Jokers

Because I’m now a part time Windows user (but I mostly support Windows users), I find the Windows Secrets website and newsletter invaluable in staying current with some cool features and rare “gotchas” that populate the Windows world. And it’s nice to know that Brian Livingston (who happens to be the author of the book that gave me my first real introduction to Windows… after I’d been using it for a while already *heh*) still has his sense of humor after some hardware failures took the Windows Secrets website down for 48 hours this week:

If you’re a subscriber, you remain a subscriber. If your paid sub expires on Dec. 31, you’re darn tootin’ it still does. If you purchased a lifetime subscription … well, we can’t tell you the end of your lifetime, but we didn’t know that before the crash, anyway. [emphasis added]

Jolly joker.

Ironic? Yes, but Justice, Too

Health Care Speechwriter for Edwards, Obama & Clinton Without Insurance Now

“What makes this a double blow is that my experience contradicts so much of what I wrote for political leaders over the last decade. That’s a terrible feeling, too. I typed line after line that said everything Massachusetts did would make health insurance more affordable. If I had a dollar for every time I typed, ‘universal coverage will lower premiums,’ I could pay for my own health care at Massachusetts’s rates.”

Sometimes, life really is fair. This time the lying (or, perhaps just stupid) propagandist gets spattered with the rotten fruits of the lie. Fitting, just, fair.

“Crap n Trade” Madness


“Let me emphasize something very strongly as we begin this discussion. The United States has already this year alone achieved a 6 percent reduction in emissions simply because of the downturn in the economy, so we are effectively saying we need …to go another 14 percent.”–Fumduck Senator from Taxachussetts, Jean Fraud sKerry

This scumbag doesn’t care who his desired policies would harm. He just wants to be on the idiotic “CO2 is bad” bandwagon. Fine, Jean Fraud. Let’s ban idiot politicians from emitting CO2. Just stop breathing, bub. That’d do the trick. Idiot.

So, not only do we have a Presidential Pretender in Training Wheels going around telling everyone it’s all America’s fault, now we also have a Once Presidential Wannabe idiot telling us we need to pay for his and his co-conspirators’ delusions, as well.