The Dimming of America

Even though the amazingly insensitive-to-meaning vocalizations of the narrator grate on my ears, this short, fluffy 2-minute piece still manages to retain the power of a truth: the price of the Anthropogenic Global Warming Myth is too high.

Take Back Your Government

What would you pay to get the tools to take back our government and save our country?

From the author’s preface to Take Back Your Government:


This is intended to be a practical manual of instruction for the American layman who has taken no regular part in politics, has no personal political ambitions, and no desire to make money out of politics, but who, nevertheless, would like to do something to make his or her chosen form of government work better. If you have a gnawing, uneasy feeling that you should be doing something to preserve our freedoms and to protect and improve our way of life but have been held back by lack of time, lack of money, or the helpless feeling that you individually could not do enough to make the effort worthwhile, then this book was written for you.

Take Back Your Government (Click for larger image)

The book is currently being sold by Baen Books in a bundle with Taxpayer’s Tea Party by Sharon Cooper and Chuck Asay. The cost for both books bundled together in any of a wide range of eBook formats is just $8. I’m currently reading my copy of Take Back Your Government in my web browser in the html version.

Taxpayer's Tea Party Manual

Browsing the Interwebs

*heh* I’ve wanted to use the term “interwebs” for a while but just didn’t have a good place to drop it in…

This is just a drive-by hit on my least favorite browser. On the Win7 “side” of this computer, my IE8 title bar reads, “M$ Internet Explorer–not quite as sucky as earlier versions, but still, do you REALLY want to use this pig?”

The answer, of course, is “No, and I only do so when someone has a question about what to do as a result of their lazy, poorly-considered decision to use Internet Exploder.”
