Windows 7 “Training” for Small Businesses in a Nutshell

For medium and small businesses that’re concerned about training expenses for moving from WinXP or Vista to Win7, I’ve outlined a short lil tutorial on how to train users on Win7.

1. Restrict each worker to non-admin user accounts only
2. Put icons to everything they need to do their work on the desktop.
3. REMOVE icons from their desktop to anything they do NOT need to do their work
4. Restrict their access to the Start orb to ONLY those applications they need to do their work and the ability to shut down, log off or restart the computer.

While you’re at it, set your network up so that all internet access is restricted to only those sites that are needed for work-related functions. Use OpenDNS or some such free site if you wish. It’s easy and unobtrusive (just returns a “not available” when ever someone attempts to log onto a site of a type you’ve blocked–auctions, webmail, whatever. Sites can be blocked by IP address as well, but that’s time-consuming, and you want inexpensive, right? :-))

All the above can be done in a day for most small-to-medium sized businesses. By one guy. Stick a fork in it. It’s done.

(Of course, for a little more time for one guy, as long as your essential, unreplaceable Windows programs can be run under WINE, you can save a bunch by installing a Linux distro… and doing the same thing as above with it.)

6 Replies to “Windows 7 “Training” for Small Businesses in a Nutshell”

  1. OT: Would you please let the Yak know that my login is no longer working. I cannot comment over there anymore! Why not? Was I a bad girl? Do I need to be punished? Okay, but like this? This is NOT fair! (haha) Please pass along my email so I can re-register. Umph. Have a great weekend!

  2. PS. I forgot to mention this on this first comment. I found a glitch in it. Sometimes google will send you to an ‘Oops!” error msg. Go to rosemary’s thoughts, then remove the apostraphe and space, then you will be able to find me. πŸ˜‰

  3. Stick a fork in it? haha. Good advise. I switched to IE 8, and I HATE it. Some of it is pretty cool, though. Great post.

    (I figured I’d better read it. With all these comments, it isn’t as if I don’t have the time. haha)

    1. Actually, I’ve posted enough hints in the past (including a satellite-generated shot of my home) that anyone who tries hard enough can discover my location. But for general consumption, I’ll just repeat: America’s Third World County.

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