For Those Who Slept Through the “News”

The 0! has joined Dhimmi Kahtah, Yasser Arafat and Algore as a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. (*cue laugh track*)


[Note: I’ve not yet found an embeddable version of this video, so just click on over to RCP to view it]

A helpful commenter at Real Clear Politics seems to be fluent in Norwegian:

Ok for those who do not speak Norwegian let me translate: “[A]s a country filled with weaklings and men with no balls, we are delighted to award the Nobel peace price to a man who has does nothing other than offer lofty words and hollow rhetoric. We are actually going to present the award to someone who is destroying a once great country, because that is actually a good thing in our mind as we want everyone weak and meek, just like us. So the award goes to BO!!!!”


UPDATE: The Random Yak (very kindly and gently) blows a big fat raspberry at the Nobel committee. Mark Steyn could not have done it so well. The new Jonathan Swift.

UPDATE#2: The Obama Piece, urm, Peace Prize Theme Song:

I Started A Joke – Barry Gibb

(OK, I may catch a bit of flack from all my relatives of Norwegian ancestry–including my Wonder Woman–but it’ll all be worth it. ;-))

3 Replies to “For Those Who Slept Through the “News””

  1. Never, ever have I been prouder to belong to one of the Norse races….and never, ever have I been more glad that that race…is the Danes.

    We may have raped, burned and pillaged our way across Europe…but at least we’re not Norwegian!

    1. Well, the Norwegians used to have backbone. Heck, even I am probably partly Norwegian (and Dane, though not Swedish or Finish), given the way both Norwegians and Danes “sprinkled” their seed in the British Isles over the centuries. But. Somewhere down the line, a great many Norwegians seem to have lost the genes that impart a backbone and some sense of rationality. Oh, I know some Norwegian relatives who are not that way (Per Lønning comes to mind. No, not Per Ståle Lønning of Stord–he’s just a harmless eccentric Nordski, if he’s still around. This one— to whom I was “introduced” at one remove by my mother-in-law, who was his cousin. At the time, I was reading everything by and about Kierkegaard that I could lay my hands on and one of his little books on Kierkegaard had caught me), but such seem to be few and far between. Even the Norwegian-heritage Minnesotans I know seem largely infected with the same nonsensical arationality we’ve seen in in the Nobel committee of late (say, the past 20 years or so, at least)

      BTW, if only for some connection to the original Golden Bear (Gustavus Adolphus), I’d not mind having some Swedish blood… 😉 Holger Danske, though. THERE was a guy… We could use a few like him and Gustav and even, perhaps, old Olaf (the Nordski) nowadays. Maybe the Holger Danske myth will manifest itself as reality before things are too far gone for Denmark and the rest of Europe. One could always dream, eh?

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