Government Services

Things are getting bad when it seems that contracting with the mob to perform legitimate government services would cost us less and restrict our freedom less than continuing to have the “feddle gummint” steal our money, waste it and at the same time turn us all into criminals they can slap upside the head any time they want with complete immunity from any correction.

What the “Feddle Gummint” Does…

…and ought/ought not to do.

I think one can fairly infer Jerry Pournelle’s view of the place of the “feddle gummint” (my term, not his) in our lives by this reference to the FDA,

“My own view is that government should enforce truth in advertising, and if someone says his product is snake oil and most people think it’s worthless, but there are some who believe it can revive the dead, the FDA should insist that the stuff is actually made with oil squeezed out of snakes and otherwise get out of the way. I understand that mine is not the most popular view and is unlikely to be adopted.”

I could live with such a fedgov…

Apple/Mac “Loyalty”? Notsomuch

Apple computers are reputed to inspire fierce loyalty among users, but that may be due more to a highly vocal, rabid fringe of fanboiz than anything else.

More than 12 per cent of US homes have at least one Mac, according to NPD’s latest Household Penetration study – a rise from nine per cent the research company polled in 2008. But of those Mac owners, nearly 85 per cent have at least one Windows-based PC.

So the die hard Mac loyalists are… about 15% of Mac users. Since Mac comprised well less than 10% of PC sales, that yields a core of Mac loyalists that is a minuscule and very nearly irrelevant class of computer users. Just sayin’.


(Just think, though: with high-end Intel-compatible hardware and PC-BSD, current Mac users could have their [possibly] preferred GUI, or something very like it–and the security of the base Unix OS they want and lower cost, too. Of course, they could always install a VM in the PC-BSD machine and plop Windows in there, too.. :-))