ISP Woes… Again (Still) *sigh*

Again, Warning: May Bore You To Tears Compgeeky Gripe ahead. See further down the page for other posts. 🙂

What’s with these folks? I can’t even get a page to fully load without (many) multiple reloads, and though I can get to load after a few tries, it returns:


This after nearly a week of “not too bad” on the interruption of service front. Yep. Once again my ISP says they’ve fixed their problem… and haven’t.

Oh. Well.

(BTW, it took a couple of hours to post this, with autosave unable to even save a draft or uploading of the image you see here working until after about eight attempts (with complete system/network reboots and all the other things I could do to attempt to wake up the ISP’s servers.)

Micro-mini-update: 4 days later. Worse today. Two calls to phone support. One, the gal wouldn’t take the ice pick out of her ear and kept saying she couldn’t hear me (riiiiiight; she responded when she wanted to). The next, the guy didn’t try that ploy, but, although he could see drops on my line, he could do nothing, as usual, but schedule a tech to come by and waste both my time and the tech’s to simply tell me–AGAIN–that there’s no problem in my equipment and that the problem’s still on their end… *sigh*

The Witch Doctor

Well, The 0!’s song and dance still looks and sounds swell to the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, but the IOC is “a bunch of racists” and have given his song and dance the hook offstage. Looks like he now has to find other ways to slip his payback to the Daley machine and its cronies.

Oh, like this is all that surprising. When The 0! isn’t using TOTUS, his best sounds like

Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla bing bang…
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla ,bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla bing bang

All sound and fury, signifying nothing. And that’s on one of his good days!

As Jerry Pournelle said just today,

“I am not impressed with the competence of this administration’s diplomacy.”

Hmm, seems like he’s not the only one, eh?

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