ACORN Advice on Running a Prostitution Ring

Yep. How to Run a Sex Slave Business, from President Obama’s buddies in ACORN:


h.t. Woody

OK, that was in Baltimore. How about in Washington D.C.?

And, part 2:

h.t., Big Government


ACORN accuses Fox News of being racist for revealing ACORN sleeze. Nuh-uh, says moi. What’s racist about video showing no less than FOUR BLACK WOMEN telling a white guy and his purported prostitute-prospective-madam how to run a sex slave business? Supposedly using Salvadoran children? Nothing racist about that, is there? Just the facts, madams.


Of course, this assinine accusation of racism on Fox’s part was issued before the Washington D.C. video was released… I guess now it’s going to be just more charges of racism from folks who wouldn’t even recognize their own racism if it slapped them upside the head with a dead cod. *sigh* Some folks really would be more valuable as compost than as ongoing oxygen sinks… but that’s not my decision to make (though I hope you’d excuse me a little dream that they’d make that decision themselves; it’d be the right thing to do, you know… *heh*).

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