“I have kept my oath; do you ever intend to keep yours?

The post title comes from a “townhall” meeting held with with U.S. Congressman Brian Baird.

In all the “health care reform” talk, I have yet to see or hear any citation of a constitutionally enumerated power that gives the “feddle gummint” any legitimate reason to be involved in such a thing. Sure, I’ve seen tortured, disingenuous or flat out lying citations of the commerce clause as justification, but nothing yet that has been at all persuasive to me. Of course, with well more than half the “feddle gummint” meddling in areas where it has no enumerated power to do so already, the challenge of the gentleman in the video I link below to “protect and defend the Constitution” resonates with me as I watch congresscritters violate their oaths of office on a quotidian basis.

http://media.causes.com/555066?p_id=60313119 (Sorry, no embedding link provided, and I haven’t dug into a way to download a facebook-only-embedded video.)

Ah, here it is from YouTube. Trust Woody to find it.

No, I am not despairing. Not as long as folks like the gentleman in the video can still speak. But Nancy “they’re un-American” Pelosi and her ilk seem to fully intend on completely gutting the First Amendment with the full cooperation of the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind.

A relevant aside: the folks at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute have a chilling presentation of American illiteracy on the subject of civics, as noted in a post below. The organization’s survey conclusions are no surprise to me or likely to any observant person with ev en rudimentary knowledge of American civics, but the information is nevertheless a disappointing confirmation of my private observations. One completeyl no-brainer observation:

“Of the 2,508 People surveyed, 164 say they have held an elected government office at least once in their life. Their average score on the civic literacy test is 44%, compared to 49% for those who have not held an elected office. Officeholders are less likely than other respondents to correctly answer 29 of the 33 test questions. This table shows the “knowledge gap” for each question: the difference between the percentage of common citizens who answered correctly and the percentage of officeholders who answered correctly.”

Just as with public school administrators, all the politicians I have ever personally known (save one U.S. Senator–and he was eventually corrupted by the political process–and one small town mayor) have been among the least qualified people for the positions they held.

I fear for the nation my grandchildren may have to live in as adults.

Eclectic Food

Mixed bag for dinner tonight:

Chicken fried “steak” (breaded cubed beef) w/white gravy*
Stewed okra (okra, tomatoes, onion, green pepper)**
Julienned potatoes in cheddar cheese sauce***

A different combo, but one I can eat with gusto. “Down home” comfort foods in a slightly off-standard menu combo. I may have to zap some frozen peas for the others who’ll be here, though, since stewed okra’s an acquired taste that Son&Heir and my Wonder Woman have, urm, avoided acquiring. I think it’s the slimey texture more than anything else, since I can feed ’em fried okra just fine. 🙂 But as for me? Yum!

(I’m told that savages “up North” somewhere don’t eat okra at all but feed it as forage to their livestock. *shudder* What utter barbarians! 🙂 )

*white gravy: make a roue with a little of whatever oil or grease you fred the CFS in and some white flour. Slowly add a lil milk at a time and heat to a nice bubble, then back off to a very, very slow simmer. Too big a flour-to-milk ratio will equal a too thick gravy, obviously, so it’s a learning process. What? Amounts? You gotta be kidding! Or, just follow Alton Brown’s recipe at the link. I think it’s both too much trouble and not quite “right” but tastes differ.

**a coupla cups of okra, washed and cut into pieces no larger than 2″; one half to one coarsely chopped yellow onion; one coarsely chopped bell pepper; a large can of whole tomatoes; salt & pepper to taste. Sautee the onions and bell pepper until the onions are clarified but not browned, then add everything else, bring to a boil and back off to s simmer. about 30 minutes oughta do it.

Julienned cheesy potatoes: do this but leave out the ham. It’s not quite what I do, but it’ll taste close and be good.

How Did The 0! Get Elected, Anyway?

Go HERE and take the simple, easy-peasy (seriously!) “Civics Quiz” and see how The 0! got elected. Americans are simply illiterate when it comes to American history and knowledge of our governing documents, etc.


“If there is any presidential speech that has captured a place in popular culture, it is the Gettysburg Address, seemingly recited by school children for decades. The truth is, however, Lincoln’s most memorable words are now remembered by very few.

“Of the 2,508 Americans taking ISI’s civic literacy test, 71% fail. Nationwide, the average score on the test is only 49%. The vast majority cannot recognize the language of Lincoln’s famous speech.

“The test contains 33 questions designed to measure knowledge of America’s founding principles, political history, international relations, and market economy…

“…The results reveal that Americans are alarmingly uninformed about our Constitution, the basic functions of our government, the key texts of our national history, and economic principles.”

Well, maybe for a majority of the proles that is true, but surely our well-educated college grads fare better? Nope.

“College graduates in all age brackets—except Baby Boomers (ages 45 to 64)—typically earn an ‘F’ on the exam. Baby Boomers who ended their formal education with a bachelor’s degree score an average of 61%, or a ‘D-.'”

(Well, that certainly squares with the report that 69% of college graduates couldn’t read directions to find their way out of a paper bag… *feh*)

But wait! There’s more! From the “Civics Quiz” report:
Continue reading “How Did The 0! Get Elected, Anyway?”

No Treats from BO!

Well, I can see why this video has 1.8 million views at YouTube in the last month.

Smart dog. Smarter than the 48% of voters (plus the 4% made up of illegals and deaders) that voted The 0! into office last Fall.

Once Again With the Obvious: The TSA is “Full Employment for Idiots”

Bollywood star, Shahrukh Khan, one of the most popular and well-known celebrities in the world–just notsomuch in the US–was hassled by the TSA in New Jersey.

…one can only imagine the American reaction if Brad Pitt was subjected to a “routine inspection” in India to ascertain his intentions and identity. However, the comparison is hardly apt considering Khan’s star power in India [N.B. pop. ~1,148,000,000, or nearly 4X the U.S. population] is likened to the combination of Pitt, Tom Hanks and Will Smith multiplied tenfold by ten Oprahs reading a book by Deepak Chopra.

Par for the course with an agency that hassles active duty military, nursing mothers and Medal of Honor recipients with equal churlishness. *feh* The Thugs Standing Around is nothing but security theater performed as an exercise in turning citizens into subjects and visitors into (justly) anti-Americans. We’d be better off to take the folks working for the TSA and pay them to sit home and watch soap operas and pound the floor with their clubs.

Dissing a guy with an estimated 3.5 billion fans worldwide? Just another day with the TSA.

Just Paintballs? Wusses ;-)



A group of Durham (N.C.) residents taking aim at speeders with the threat of a paintball gun said Tuesday that they are “amazed and gratified at the reaction.”

The group, Angry Neighbors With Paintball Guns, posted signs at strategic locations throughout the city, warning motorists to slow down or risk being shot at with a paintball gun.

But, of course, the local cop shop which is apparently NOT ameliorating the problem thinks it’s a bad idea all around. Can’t have citizens doing what they’re unwilling and/or unable to do:

[Kammie] Michael (Durham, N.C. police spokes”person”) said it is a crime to shoot a paintball at a vehicle and that the signs could be a distraction for some drivers and make the problem worse.

Yeh, the sign’s a problem. Could be “a distraction”. *throws the bullshit flag* How will it be any more distracting than the speed limit signs that are being ignored, eh? Now, that’s a stupid cop. *sigh*

Have You Been SPAMmed by Barry Soetoro?

Like many SPAMmers, Barry Soetoro claimed recently that he doesn’t know how people he SPAMmed got on his email list–maybe some mythical, “reality-based fantasy” third-party group put them there (ya think his fishy@whitehouse.gov site had anything to do with collecting addresses to SPAM? Say it ain’t so, Joe).

"Uh, uh, uh, I dunno, a-huh, a-huh... "

If you were SPAMMED by Barry Soetoro, why not report his ass to spam@uce.gov? Heck, if he’s convicted, maybe the fedgov will even pay you a bounty… (Fat chance)

N.B., the fedgov so narrowly defines SPAM that A CHANCE OF getting Barry’s ass spanked by the FTC is vanishingly small.

N.B. #2: Barry’s also implementing measures–he admits in public, with spin of course–that will block online petitions. “We don’t want The People petitioning the government ‘for a redress of grievances’,” he admitted. Well, he might as well have said that, since his orifice, urm office, DID say, “The White House indicated its Web site managers are going to seek out and block online petitions… “

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Reconcile the statement made by The 0! reproduced below with the facts of the matter, shown in the second graphic. (As usual, CLICK on the graphics to “embiggen”.) Then, CLICK the link for the video at BreitBart

The 0!


Vs. The Record:


Transparency, MHWA…

Or, if you don’t want to go to the BreitBart site, here: