10 Honest Things You Never Wanted to Know About Me

*sigh* Woody, of Woody’s Place tagged me with one-a those “Blogosphere Meme Pool Game” thingies: “10 Honest Things About Myself” so, here’s some


  1. I dislike blogosphere meme pool tag games, but I participate anyway just because
  2. Whenever I’m inflicted with this curse, I share the pain with others (look out; your turn may come)
  3. I have The World’s Messiest OfficeTM. I can clean it up and things seem to crawl out of the walls to mess it up while my back’s turned. My office must be at the intersection of The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits…
  4. BTW, my office sometimes serves as my “nekkid room”. Cover your eyes. It’s NOT a pretty sight…
  5. I love music. No, not that crap that’s played on just about any radio station you can find, music. And yeh, I found I was so often bored to tears by the selections on so-called “classical” stations (GET OUTA THE ROMANTIC PERIOD!!! STOP IT ALREADY WITH “CONTEMPORARY *puke* JAZZ”!!!) that I now just find CDs or mp3s or whatever to buy and/or download online. Oh, sometimes a radio station in Australia, but even it has slim pickin’s. Often, I just listen to the best stereo system in the world: the one with a musical memory bank between my ears…
  6. I am a wuss when it comes to “putting down” a pet in pain that cannot be controlled or fixed, but have (had) no trouble taking a shovel (rather than deal with firearm discharge issues in “city” limits) to an apparently rabid ground hog.
  7. I am fully invested in confronting the FACT that our “feddle gummint” has become illegitimate, tyrannical, unconstitutional, and that congresscritters, executives and judicial appointees are simply doing what an illiterate, greedy, enstupiated electorate wants. Of course, “fully invested” doesn’t mean that’s the sum of my life, only that at NO time will I be silenced when I see an opportunity to “speak truth to (illegitimate) power”.
  8. Why? Because I am a curmudgeon at heart. Nope, not misanthropic, just irritated beyond imagination by wilfull stupidity. Not cynical, just healthily sceptical–for cause! I have no problem throwing the bullshit flag at any time, on anyone, anywhere. Period. “Win friends and influence people”? *feh* 90% of people aren’t worth enough to consider as friends, and that same 90% is either too stupid or corrupt to be influenced by reason. A pox on them all.
  9. I watch “chick flicks” with my Wonder Woman to be companionable. Every now and then, one of ’em turns out to be worth watching. Go figure.
  10. I have had vivid dreams wherein The 0! is revealed by incontrovertable evidence to be a native born Kenyan who surrendered his Kenyan citizenship to become Indonesian, is run out of office, prosecuted for his campaign law violations and stripped of his fortune before being deported to Indonesia. Hey! A guy has to have dreams, doesn’t he?

Now, I’ll make time later to tag a few friends (while they still are friends *heh*) and insert the victims’ tags here.

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