What is he hiding?

This photograph:


is of a decidedly different document to the one posted by The 0!’s campaign last year (second image):


Or the one relased later in the year to the leftard Factcheck.org (third image):


The first image is either a very, very good forgery or the second two are very bad ones. My gut impression is that the document in the first image is much, much more convincing than the two–very different, to each other as well as to the document in image #1–documents imaged below it.

I seriously doubt that the second two imaged documents would suffice for application for a fedgov job, or even for State-certified licensure in any number of professions, since even notarized hospital-issued birth certificates are disallowed and they carry much more information than the short form “Certification of Live Birth” (note: NOT the long form “Certificate of Live Birth” Hawaii does still issue) pictured by The 0!’s minions.

So far, he’s spent over a million dollars in legal fees to quash inquiries into simple documentation of his past–documentation nearly everyone is expected to be able to make available to any number of government offices, prospective employers, etc.

What is he hiding?