Have You Been SPAMmed by Barry Soetoro?

Like many SPAMmers, Barry Soetoro claimed recently that he doesn’t know how people he SPAMmed got on his email list–maybe some mythical, “reality-based fantasy” third-party group put them there (ya think his fishy@whitehouse.gov site had anything to do with collecting addresses to SPAM? Say it ain’t so, Joe).

"Uh, uh, uh, I dunno, a-huh, a-huh... "

If you were SPAMMED by Barry Soetoro, why not report his ass to spam@uce.gov? Heck, if he’s convicted, maybe the fedgov will even pay you a bounty… (Fat chance)

N.B., the fedgov so narrowly defines SPAM that A CHANCE OF getting Barry’s ass spanked by the FTC is vanishingly small.

N.B. #2: Barry’s also implementing measures–he admits in public, with spin of course–that will block online petitions. “We don’t want The People petitioning the government ‘for a redress of grievances’,” he admitted. Well, he might as well have said that, since his orifice, urm office, DID say, “The White House indicated its Web site managers are going to seek out and block online petitions… “