Once Again With the Obvious: The TSA is “Full Employment for Idiots”

Bollywood star, Shahrukh Khan, one of the most popular and well-known celebrities in the world–just notsomuch in the US–was hassled by the TSA in New Jersey.

…one can only imagine the American reaction if Brad Pitt was subjected to a “routine inspection” in India to ascertain his intentions and identity. However, the comparison is hardly apt considering Khan’s star power in India [N.B. pop. ~1,148,000,000, or nearly 4X the U.S. population] is likened to the combination of Pitt, Tom Hanks and Will Smith multiplied tenfold by ten Oprahs reading a book by Deepak Chopra.

Par for the course with an agency that hassles active duty military, nursing mothers and Medal of Honor recipients with equal churlishness. *feh* The Thugs Standing Around is nothing but security theater performed as an exercise in turning citizens into subjects and visitors into (justly) anti-Americans. We’d be better off to take the folks working for the TSA and pay them to sit home and watch soap operas and pound the floor with their clubs.

Dissing a guy with an estimated 3.5 billion fans worldwide? Just another day with the TSA.