Eclectic Food

Mixed bag for dinner tonight:

Chicken fried “steak” (breaded cubed beef) w/white gravy*
Stewed okra (okra, tomatoes, onion, green pepper)**
Julienned potatoes in cheddar cheese sauce***

A different combo, but one I can eat with gusto. “Down home” comfort foods in a slightly off-standard menu combo. I may have to zap some frozen peas for the others who’ll be here, though, since stewed okra’s an acquired taste that Son&Heir and my Wonder Woman have, urm, avoided acquiring. I think it’s the slimey texture more than anything else, since I can feed ’em fried okra just fine. 🙂 But as for me? Yum!

(I’m told that savages “up North” somewhere don’t eat okra at all but feed it as forage to their livestock. *shudder* What utter barbarians! 🙂 )

*white gravy: make a roue with a little of whatever oil or grease you fred the CFS in and some white flour. Slowly add a lil milk at a time and heat to a nice bubble, then back off to a very, very slow simmer. Too big a flour-to-milk ratio will equal a too thick gravy, obviously, so it’s a learning process. What? Amounts? You gotta be kidding! Or, just follow Alton Brown’s recipe at the link. I think it’s both too much trouble and not quite “right” but tastes differ.

**a coupla cups of okra, washed and cut into pieces no larger than 2″; one half to one coarsely chopped yellow onion; one coarsely chopped bell pepper; a large can of whole tomatoes; salt & pepper to taste. Sautee the onions and bell pepper until the onions are clarified but not browned, then add everything else, bring to a boil and back off to s simmer. about 30 minutes oughta do it.

Julienned cheesy potatoes: do this but leave out the ham. It’s not quite what I do, but it’ll taste close and be good.

How Did The 0! Get Elected, Anyway?

Go HERE and take the simple, easy-peasy (seriously!) “Civics Quiz” and see how The 0! got elected. Americans are simply illiterate when it comes to American history and knowledge of our governing documents, etc.


“If there is any presidential speech that has captured a place in popular culture, it is the Gettysburg Address, seemingly recited by school children for decades. The truth is, however, Lincoln’s most memorable words are now remembered by very few.

“Of the 2,508 Americans taking ISI’s civic literacy test, 71% fail. Nationwide, the average score on the test is only 49%. The vast majority cannot recognize the language of Lincoln’s famous speech.

“The test contains 33 questions designed to measure knowledge of America’s founding principles, political history, international relations, and market economy…

“…The results reveal that Americans are alarmingly uninformed about our Constitution, the basic functions of our government, the key texts of our national history, and economic principles.”

Well, maybe for a majority of the proles that is true, but surely our well-educated college grads fare better? Nope.

“College graduates in all age brackets—except Baby Boomers (ages 45 to 64)—typically earn an ‘F’ on the exam. Baby Boomers who ended their formal education with a bachelor’s degree score an average of 61%, or a ‘D-.'”

(Well, that certainly squares with the report that 69% of college graduates couldn’t read directions to find their way out of a paper bag… *feh*)

But wait! There’s more! From the “Civics Quiz” report:
Continue reading “How Did The 0! Get Elected, Anyway?”

No Treats from BO!

Well, I can see why this video has 1.8 million views at YouTube in the last month.

Smart dog. Smarter than the 48% of voters (plus the 4% made up of illegals and deaders) that voted The 0! into office last Fall.