Green Pork Stew

N.B. This is a variation on a recipe whose name shall go unmentioned, because I’m pissed off at Mexico (and Mexican nationals) in general for encouraging and actively aiding an invasion of this country, so, as much as is possible, I’m deleting my knowledge and use of Spanish in general and any remotely positive Mexican references in particular from my vocabulary.


28oz can of green sauce (avoiding the “e” word) or an equal amount of pureed green chiles.
8oz can of green chiles
1.5 pound pork roast, fully cooked and cubed
1 chopped yellow onion
16oz (or thereabouts) can of cannelini beans, rinsed and drained
16oz (or thereabouts) can of either white hominey or plain white corn–with liquid
1/2 cup rice
1 cup water


Sautee the onions and brown the cubed, pre-cooked pork roast. Add everything to a slow cooker and let it come together for a while; use your best judgement. Eat with gusto. (Make your own gusto to taste.)

Next time, I plan on making this with beer substituted for the liquids–the plain water and water from the corn or hominey cans. A nice light ale to start, I think, though the recipe as is goes well with a medium amber ale with just a touch of hopsiness.