T-13, 1.44: 13 Fav Kitchen Tools

Well, 13 of my favorite kitchen tools and small appliances…

BreadMan bread machine maker, Egg and Muffin 2 Slice Toaster–perfect egg/muffin sandwiches in a snap–and Wolfgang Puck’s 10-cup rice cooker. I use it for TONS of different recipes.


These two knives, a Sabatier (from before Sabatier became debased with a WallyWorld version–*heh*) and a plain vanilla–each “chef’s knives”–and the “pig” cutting board I made in 7th grade of alternating pieces of walnut and maple:


Here’s my second-fav cutting board, a mahogany pigboard made at the same time as the walnut/maple board (actually, it was my practice for the walnut/maple board).


I’ve had more than a few coffee grinders, but this one is a coffee lover’s dream, and the coffee maker’s definitely my fav of a long line of coffee makers.

Who’d want to be without a good garlic press in their kitchen? And my fav whisk, along with Grandmother’s “sharpening” steel. (And again with the the walnut/maple pig :-))


And, on the wall next to the stove, electric pepper and salt grinders (the pepper grinder in the middle is manual, set to a different “popular” grind than the electric pepper grinder).


Displayed at the Thursday Thirteen Hub.

11 Replies to “T-13, 1.44: 13 Fav Kitchen Tools”

  1. *heh*, B.M.–that’s the idea behind getting electric s n p grinders. Just press a button and… freshly-ground pepper, finely-ground (formerly very coarse) kosher salt. Easy-peasy.

  2. I used to have a pig cutting board too! It was a gift and I loved it, but it got ruined somehow in my apartment that always had mildew in the kitchen. 🙁

    Now I have a lovely bamboo cutting board with grooves along the edges.

    I must add that when the personal organizer was going through my kitchen, she and I actually nearly got into a fist fight over my two stainless steel garlic presses. No way I was giving either up despite the fact that she thought I only needed one. I think you need two in case one is in the dishwasher, which has happened to me quite often.

  3. Where did you find that coffee grinder? That thing is positively awesome. Like the pigs, and I too wouldn’t be caught without some good knives and salt/pepper grinders, but wow, that coffee mill is fantastic. I think I know what I want for Christmas…better start scouring antique stores.

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  5. Lesley,

    Yeh, a good bread machine can make life soooo much nicer! The rice cooker–well, I consider it my all purpose slow cooker. Roasts, ribs, stews, lots and lots of different dishes. And rice!


    HSN used to carry the 10-cup version I picture above. No longer, but it’s still available all over the web. We love ours, and as I’ve said, we use it for many, many things besides just rice.

    J. Lynne,

    My cutting boards were gifts too–one to my mother and the other to my grandmother. Grandmother gave hers back to me before she died. My mom gave hers back to me just last fall (apparently preparing for her rite of passage, I guess).

    Some “organizer” wanted to throw out one of your garlic presses!?!?! Must not be a cook…


    Coffee grinder from my mother. She had had it for years and years and had never used it!! When they moved to a smaller place last fall, I was handed a ton of stuff to carry off–and two or three pieces were worth actually keeping. *heh* This was one of the “keepers”. SHe got it years ago garage saling and just kept it around cos it looked cool. *sigh* Burr grinder. Slices the beans into teensy pieces (the way I have the grind set). Makes WONDERFUL coffee.

  6. Norma! Long time, no hear! Well, actually (confession having the reputation of being good for ones soul :-)), long time, no read. I still have you blogrolled, but I just don’t get around much any more.

    Thanks for dropping by!

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