Lovers of Liberty: Essential Reading

Gribbit has a post published today that I feel is essential reading for those of us who are more than merely fond of the basic liberties the Founders fought and bled and died for and that generations beforfe us have preserved by the same means.

Once Upon A Time When America Had Christmas


Then, after you have read it, come back and read my further response, below the fold.

Trackbacked to the following linkfests via Linkfest Haven Deluxe

Trackposted to The HILL Chronicles, Pursuing Holiness, 123beta, The Uncooperative Blogger, The Uncooperative Blogger ®, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Outside the Beltway, Adam’s Blog, The World According To Carl, The Right Nation, The Amboy Times, Perri Nelson’s Website, Blue Star Chronicles, Madman Returns, The Renaissance Blogger, Is It Just Me?, The World According to Carl, Conservative Cat, Stuck On Stupid, Planck’s Constant, The Random Yak, and The Bullwinkle Blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

My response to Gribbit’s post:

Strong post. I have one objection. You wrote at one point, “Why is it we need a minority religious group to inform America that simply celebrating Christmas doesn’t spread the religion or proselytize?”

Ah, but that is one of the central tenets of Christianity”

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…

pros·e·lyt·ize [pros-uh-li-tahyz]: –verb (used with object), verb (used without object), -ized, -iz·ing. to convert or attempt to convert as a proselyte; recruit

The idea that teaching others WHAT the message of Christ is by word and deed and converting those who accept the teachings is a bad thing is a particularly evil meme of the far left that has been bought by American Christians.

Islam does its proselytizing at the point of a sword, just exactly as Mohammed taught by word and deed. Christ taught his disciples by his words and deeds to convert others by showing them and telling them the way, NOT at the point of a sword, NOT compelling them by force.

The ACLU and others would have everyone believe that preaching, teaching, telling forth the Good News is an evil thing to do. Why? Because when it’s clearly known, some might CHOOSE to reject the memes of the ACLU and its ilk?

There’s a distinct difference between proselytizing by force and doing so by persuasive words and deeds. And it is exactly the latter the far left–the FAKE liberals–fear the most: that people, when fairly presented with alternatives in the marketplace of ideas, will freely CHOOSE to reject the bankrupt philosophies of the far left.

You can see it with the “Pro-Choice” crowd who do everything in their power to PREVENT women from having full information about the baby in their womb before “choosing” (without being fully informed, thus absent informed consent) to kill it. You can see it in the ACLU’s (and others’) frenetic activity to prevent the public from understanding that the First Amendment protects, first and foremost, FREE EXPRESSION of religion–including non-coercive proselytizing! And you can see it in the fact that the ACLU and its far left (FAKE liberal) brethren have convinced American Christians that they must “defend” Christmas by saying it does not spread the Good News of a Savior who,

“Though he was God, he did not demand and cling to his rights as God. He made himself nothing; he took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form. And in human form he obediently humbled himself even further by dying a criminal’s death on a cross. Because of this, God raised him up to the heights of heaven and gave him a name that is above every other name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2: 6-11)

Because… because celebrating Christmas in the open, as Christians proclaims, openly, excatly that: Jesus Christ is the Eternal Son who forsook his position of superiority over all creation to offer himself “the ransom for many”. Open celebration of Christmas is simply rehearsal for open celebration of Easter.

The Gift

Trees and lights and bells and carols;
Bright-wrapped packages piled high.
Winter’s sharp blow jojns the heralds,
“Christmastime is nigh.”

Mailmen hurry; shoppers scurry;
Time is fleeing—oh! so fast!
Parties gather, loud and merry,
Grander than in Christmas’ past.

Pause a moment to remember
That a Savior’s simple birth
Still stirs angel wings in susur’
“Peace to men; goodwill on earth.”

So, the Greatest Gift extended—
Gift of love and peace to all;
God’s great love to man descended
Calls us to a manger stall.

Now the Father’s hands that molded
The first Adam in the clay
Gently ’round a manger folded
Cradle a baby in the hay.

Tiny Babe, Eternal Son;
First step to Calv’ry; victory won!

©1990-1991 David W Needham

Christmas IS open proselytizing, of the very best, highest, most noble kind. And that alone is reason to openly, unashamedly proclaim, “Christmas nears! Rejoice!” regardless of whatever the Scrooges among the ACLU and its ilk do to prevent it.

Also tracked back to The Christmas Alliance HQ.

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