
No, it’s not Gershwin, but…

When I clicked to start a freebie download of Beethoven’s symphonies a symphonic organization was offering, Opera simply asked me if I wanted to proceed [yeh, I edited that. I couldn’t believe I’d misspelled “proceed” when I finally got around to reading this entry… *sigh*]with the Bittorrent download. (Yeh, and yeh again to the software firewall.)

I hadn’t done many bittorrent downloads for a while, cos I disliked most of the bittorrent clients I’d tried, and Opera had removed bittorrent capabilities for a while. Nice lil reminder of the wealth of capabilities included in this lil browser. Included, not “extensions” ya know…

Just sayin’…


(BTW, THIS is Gershwin… as interpreted by the very talented Red Garland)

'S Wonderful: The Jazz Giants Play George Gershwin

'S Wonderful: The Jazz Giants Play George Gershwin

Anarcho-Tyranny, again

This exchange at Chaos Manor Musings/Current Mail delineates a perfect example of anarcho-tyranny:

“Lynne Stewart got two years for being a transmission belt for her terrorist (convicted) clients.” [J.E.P.]

And Martha Stewart got how much for what she didn’t do?

Obviously it pays to be a left leaning liberal in this world. [Bas]


Also, in the same Chaos Manor mailbag was a tip to Scott Adams’ recent experience with TSA (TSA: *gag* *spit*):

For a fleeting moment I considered reasoning with the TSA guy. Surely he could see that the liquid part of my container was minimal…

…I would have been a beacon of common sense and righteousness, right up until they started beating me with batons.

Coulda happened, but Scott was saved by the ghost of Dilbert whispering in his ear, no doubt…

UPDATE: You HAVE to read one of the comments from the Scott Adams post… In fact, it’s so perfectly illustrative of the fundamental stupidity of the TSA’s institutionalized anarcho-tyranny that I’m going to reproduce it below the fold.

Continue reading “Anarcho-Tyranny, again”

Ya gotta have a goal in life, I guess

I don’t have a second source confirmation *cough* on this, but from a source who shall remain anonymous (but whose initials are HTH), news on the Foley Front:

Asked what he planned to do with his life, now that he’s been forced to resign from Congress, Representative Mark Foley (R-FL) responded:

“My hope is to turn over a new page.”

Well, there’s always hope, I guess…

A big saaaaa-lute to Diane’s Open Trackback Alliance Wednesday post, TMH’s Please Make It Stop Midweek OTP, Blue Star Chronicles’ The Ancient Ruins of Hatra Iraq and TRY’s It’s a Rainforest Out There…Reading List and Midweek OTP

Good Morning!/OP

A change of pace from the last two days’ curmudgeonry:

Well, apart from “Marvin’s” inability to stay on top of pitches, that has to be one of my fav renditions of that song. Nah, it’s not the cutsie addition of birds chirping (although that’s not done half badly). It’s just a fairly convincing performance. I could almost see ole Marvin playing Curly after hearing him sing that. Almost.

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Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

OP/10 Things I Love About Wetbacks, Moose-limbs and Moonbats (Oh My!)


A Gift From South of the Border: Tasty Evil Mutant Ratdogs

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Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

10 Things I Love About Wetbacks, Moose-limbs and Moonbats (Oh My!)

I’ll start the list off and ask for contributions in comments…

Wetbacks can sometimes have interesting cuisine. Just watch out for the fly larvae in the beans that’ve been soaking in open tubs for days, the salmonella in their pollo and the fecal coliform bacteria in the beef dishes. Better yet, translate their third world cuisine into civilized fare.

Moose-limbs at least have the decency to keep their cloven hooves on rugs then they “pray” to their Devil in a Pink Dress (the Devil in a Blue Dress is reserved for a Clintonista Oval Office gig).

Moonbats are so amusing. Kinda like rabid Chihuahuas in tutus.

And speaking of Chihuahuas. When are we gonna adopt the wetback cultural contribution of using these long-legged rats bred as stewpot animals in a way that honors wetback culture: as the food critter they were bred to be? One-a them lil kick toys would probably make about half a Vietnamese *Chinese, Thai… ) appetizer for one.

More, please. 🙂

Update: From comments, N.B. Goldstein (from Clash of Civilizations chimes in with how he just has to love the new Moose-limbs’ suicide bomber practice ranges…

And Mama Duck points out how very, very advanced Lil Duck is (hint: he does NOT want to look like he’s been dressed by a moonbat. *heh* We all goof sometimes, Mama Duck. Let this be a warning… :-)) See? I toldya a study of moonbattery (and dressing a Lil Duck as a dragon is apparently viewed by Lil Ducks as battery, fer sure) was amusing.


Submitting for contributions at Ferdy’s Funhouse and Diplomacy Emporium and Stretching the Beltline.

Reality-based fantasists/Open Post

This is an open trackbacks post. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance.

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

Certain unhinged members of the body politic (OK, they’re politicians; that means most of them), Academia Nut Fruitcake Bakeries, the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind, Chicken Littles (often less colorfully known as Climate Alarmists) and other assorted Loonies, Nutcases and Batbrains (Oh! My!) claim to be “reality-based” in their outlooks.

And I am here to assert that their claim is entirely accurate… and completely deceptive, as are nearly all of their hysterical pronouncements.

Continue reading “Reality-based fantasists/Open Post”

The Benefits of Prejudice

Prejudice can be beneficial. Approaching all pans on a stove or dishes in a microwave as though they were hot; all guns as though they were loaded; all Mass Media Podpeople, politicians and Academia Nut Fruitcakes as though they were pathological liars: these and other prejudicial positions can prevent a lot of pain and injury.

Prejudice is simply a way of classifying and understanding the world around us. How the word has come to mean in common parlance what it now seems to is a long and torturous story left as an exercise for the reader. My point is that prejudging individuals who classify themselves (or objects or situations that fall into readily discernible classes) is something we all do as a matter of course. And it’s something we MUST do, or else be stranded on the highway of life, bogged down in the paralysis of analysis from moment to moment in our lives, while the SUV rolls right on over us.

And it will, you know, if we don’t dodge out of the way.

After all, yeh, that particular SUV driver might not be an idiot, but why take chances? Besides, if the first SUV driver to come along isn’t an idiot, the next one is sure to be…

You get the point.

For example, I’ve yet to read an argument for human-caused global warming that was not so laughably full of holes that it only succeeded as an insult to any literate person of average intelligence. Thus, my automatic prejudice against global warmists as liars or idiots or both. So, I’m automatically predisposed to be cynical–not merely skeptical, as was once the case–whenever some loon opens his mouth and utters in Chicken Little screeches, “The Earth is doomed!” If global warmists (climate alarmists, whatever) want to convince me, they have to first overcome that (justifiable) prejudice toward disbelief of a class that is made up of proven liars, fools (or both).

In fact, most of my prejudice of classes of people is based on those two criteria: liars and/or fools populate a particular class; persons who class themselves with those liars and/or fools are autiomatically assigned the characteristic of liars/fools until they overwhelmingly demonstrate otherwise.

That’s certainly prejudicial, but note: it’s based on both observations of the class(es) and on individuals’ self-classification. Show me a politician who is not a liar and a poltroon, and I’ll say one (or both) of two things: Just wait. Maybe not yet… and/or An exception proving (as in “testing” or “proofing”) the rule. (As I noted in a “town hall” metting with a U.S. Senator once: there is a vast chasm separating “political reality” and real reality… )

Show me a Mass Media Podperson who is not a liar/fool and I’ll say, You don’t understand the classification of Mass Media Podpeople. By definition, MMPs all spout the Hivemind ethos. Therefore, there can be no MMPs who are not both liars and fools. Some even manage to be assimilated into the Hivemind to the degree that they become mindless idiots making the “Couric, Couric, Couric” cries of the hopelessly Hiveminded. Those (obviously) become news anchors and Hivemind pundits, as a general rule.

Check out the open posts at The Right Nation, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Stuck on Stupid, Clash of Civilizations, Woman Honor Thyself, and The Uncooperative Blogger.


Yeh, I’m blowin’ ’em at Windows right now.


So, I wanna have SATA on an old (no, really: OLD) Win2K machine. So what do I do? Easy: buy a PCI SATA controller card and install the thing. But since I only want to add another drive, not replace the ones I have, I bought a controller card that would not interfere, as some unfortunately still do, with my primary IDE channels on on that machine.

Install (after checking the jumpers to make SURE it installs correctly) and sure enough, the hardware recognizes it. Windows notices a new piece of hardware and prompts me for the driver, which I have already plopped into the floppy drive. Everything installs as smoothely as can be. Reboot and… man the boot process is taking a looooonnnng time!

Hmmm… 15 minutes to boot. (I know, cos I just let it sit until it booted on through. No problem; I had another machine to work on.)

Checked for the drive I have attached. No drive found. Hmmm… Checked in device manager. Yep. The SATA/Ultra IDE card is there, listed as working, no problems. Update the driver anyway.

Reboot. Loooooonnnnng boot time.

This is crap.

Bag that. Pop a Puppy Linux live CD in. Boot. Hmmm… Normal boot time for a Puppy Live CD. Sees the card just fine. Open a Media Manager window and there’s the drive. Mount it. Browse around, make directories, transfer files, etc., just fine.

Was, naturally, a Win2K problem. Now I need to attempt installing the card/drive on a newer machine with WinZP [*heh* just noticed the”WinZP” typo. You know what I meant]. Probably will be fine, but man… *sigh* I guess I need to dual boot the old Win2K machine in Win2K and Puppy for a while.

Thing is, Puppy’s running from a 68MB CD, loading in RAM and then using another 500MB of disk space (plus 1GB for programs I install) as a swap file.

And running just fine. And using the extra drive on the SATA card. Lil down under Linux “hobby” distro blowing by Win2K Pro.

Not all that surprising, really. Can’t expect a bloated giant to be nimble enough to both watch out for newer tech and be backward compatible at the same time.

I guess.


(Yeh, OK, one gripe: for some reason I’m not getting Opera browser to load in this session of Puppy. I think maybe I didn’t install it on this machine the last time I had a Puppy Live CD in it. So, I’m having to use the crappy Seamonkey 1.0.4 Mozilla browser. *yech* Oh. Well. At least even it is better than Internet Exploder. Speaking of which–ya seen the crappy tabbed browsing implementation in IE7? What a joke. Enough rants. Outa here.)

More of that damned global warming…


And more snow.

It’s “global warming” dontcha know.

Now, before climate alarmists start whining that it’s not fair to cite local conditions to support an argument against global warming, let me remind any who might erroneously wander by twc thinking a reference to global warming will earn them a warm reception, global warmists, climate alarmists are steeped in the “special cases” argument, whereby they make errors of composition.

“The antarctic ice cap is melting!” Yeh, and the sky is falling, too. So? Global warmists have made much of the fact that ONE portion of the Antarctic ice cap is melting… while ignoring the fact that the large majority of the Antarctic ice fields are growing, and at a greater rate than ice is being lost elsewhere.

On balance, the Antarctic ice fields are greater than five or ten years ago, but that doesn’t stop global warmists from screaming, “The ice is melting! The ice is melting!”

Local conditions.

Now, should I cite the studies I read that demonstrate that the global warming alarmists are liars? Nah. Useless. Senator James Imhoffe tried that in his speeches from the Senate floor (the texts, available here, are replete with credible citations). What did that net Imhoffe? About the same that it nets any scientist—anyone, no really, anyone—who dares to flaunt the global climate alarmist party line. As you’ll read in the linked articles, some global warmists are calling for “Nuremburg trials” for “global warming deniers” and equating them with Holocaust deniers.

Scum. That’s what anyone who believes there ought to be open, rational examination of the facts is: scum. Anathema. Evil.

So, let’s just not go there. Why, without any thought whatsoever (or, actually, via lobotomizing ourselves and eliminating rational thought) we can beat the global warmists at their own game by irrationally arguing every little cold wave is proof positive that they are wrong.

Makes as much sense as global warmists’ lies.
