Open Trackbacks in “honor” of America’s one “distinctly native criminal class”

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The Mark Foley brouhaha is just more “dog bites man” news from our congresscritters. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. As Twain put it,

It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.

With the steady stream of revelations of disregard for law, common decency and all manner of shenanigans, who doubts that what is shown is but the tip of the iceberg? Kipling’s famous lines could probably be better applied to our congresscritters today tha n to anything the British Empire had in Kipling’s day:

Thus, the artless songs I sing
Do not deal with anything
New or never said before.
As it was in the beginning
Is to-day official sinning,
And shall be for evermore!

As I said, this is an open trackbacks post. Link here and track back.