Reality-based fantasists/Open Post

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Certain unhinged members of the body politic (OK, they’re politicians; that means most of them), Academia Nut Fruitcake Bakeries, the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind, Chicken Littles (often less colorfully known as Climate Alarmists) and other assorted Loonies, Nutcases and Batbrains (Oh! My!) claim to be “reality-based” in their outlooks.

And I am here to assert that their claim is entirely accurate… and completely deceptive, as are nearly all of their hysterical pronouncements.

As one example…

Is the global climate warming? Yep. A wee tad. Did the 20th Century show warming that was unprecedented in the last 1,000 years, as the “hockey stick: proponents claim? Uhm… not even close. Does human activity on Earth dictate solar gain due to sunspot activity? *ROFLKASTMAFO* But yes, the Chicken Littles are right to claim that their fantasy of global warming (or cooling–whichever happens to be the latest trendy claim) is “reality-based” because—surprise! surprise!—the Earth has undergone far, far more dramatic heating and cooling cycles in the past, so they’re bound to hit it right by claiming either warming or cooling. The fantasy part comes in where junk science (or no science, just screeching of moonbats) is called upon to claim that human activity is causing a crisis in global heating/cooling (again, depending on which is trendy at the time).

Staying with the representative example of Climate Alarmism, Academia Nut Fruitcakes (most often in the so-called Social “Sciences” or inHumanities) wax eloquently on about the latest Profound Truth Revealed By Saint Barbara “Shut the %^*# up” or King-in-Exile Al “I invented the internet” Bore, without having the faintest idea what they are saying, but their babble is “reality-based” because it’s true that they are parroting what someone else really did say.

Politicians pontificate on The Dangers of Global Warming (or whatever my focus groups say is dangerous right now), because, well, it’s safer than talking about Congressional Ethics (*ROFL*) or national security (borders, anyone?), and besides, it is too “reality-based” because they can point to actual polls that say it is.

Mass Media Podpeople drone on (and on and on) about [fill in blank here] because their reality is what the Hivemind thinks.

See? No matter how disconnected from reality-based reality these different groups’ babblings may be, no matter what the topic, their reality-based delusions create a reality-based fantasy world that is impervious to everything–including an airliner crashing into a high rise…

Yeh, I could have framed this post around any number of other issues, including nutty apologists for the bloody “religion of peace” that is responsible for more death and misery in the course of the last 1,500 years than all the bloody tyrants the West can marshall; I could have selected the damnable (yeh, I use the term theologically: anyone who subscribes to NCLB, even in ignorance, is advocating the government act to cripple and otherwise harm its own population. The Bible condemns rulers such as as that) “No Child Gets Ahead” or any number of other demonically-inspired social programs; I could have selected just about any so-called well-meaning meddling of Western governments and ruling elites of the past hundred and fifty years. Let the climate alarmists just stand in for them all.

And yes, this post was spurred by a comment made by a completely nutso, unhinged, reality-based fantasist barking on one of the themes above. A comment I killed when I noticed the commenter was a.) completely crazy b.) more long-winded than I am (get your own blog, dumbass) c.) too yellow to even leave a valid email address.

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