
Ya know, instant cappuccino mixes are just a way to gull the, well, gullible into drinking instant *spit* “coffee” dontcha?

(I’m going on the road tomorrow, so don’t let the timestamp fool ya into thinking I’m here. I preposted Friday and Saturday. I’ll check my moderation queue for trackbacks to this weekend’s linkfest when I’m around a computer.)

Fair Tax/OTA

This is an Open Trackbacks Alliance post, open Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance.

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

The Fair tax blogburst was delayed this week due to issues beyond twc’s control… and a couple within twc’s control. So be it. Folks, do take note of any congresscritter placement this year especially as regards this issue (and illegal immigration). The fair Tax bill could go a long way toward ameliorating many of our woes, all by its lonesome. 😉 Think on these words from Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous:

With this heated election approaching faster than one could imagine, we thought it would be a time to throw the FT BB into the debates to see where each of our respective candidates reside in these matters.

We have grown fast and have expanded further than Terry and I anticipated in such a short time, which should prove to be interesting as we will hopefully see. Since we have members of numerous states, and numerous districts of the House of Representatives, let us see where the incumbents and their challengers reside when it comes to the Fair Tax.

This is where Terry and I ask for a small Homework assignment, but Terry and I will be participating, as well…..

What we shall do is send a letter to each of the respective campaigns for the district you reside asking them how they feel in regards to the Fair Tax. It can be something as simple as an e-mail, and you can tell them that the Fair Tax BlogBurst will be curious to see their answers….that way, when we hear back from them, we can all report for our readers where these individual candidates stand. We have provided a form letter below, so feel free to borrow this letter and use it/modify it for your convenience. Readers of the FT BB, we encourage you to do the very same and send either Terry or I an e-mail and let us know what they have to say.

This should prove interesting, and should prove to be informative for voters, as well.

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