Anarcho-Tyranny, again

This exchange at Chaos Manor Musings/Current Mail delineates a perfect example of anarcho-tyranny:

“Lynne Stewart got two years for being a transmission belt for her terrorist (convicted) clients.” [J.E.P.]

And Martha Stewart got how much for what she didn’t do?

Obviously it pays to be a left leaning liberal in this world. [Bas]


Also, in the same Chaos Manor mailbag was a tip to Scott Adams’ recent experience with TSA (TSA: *gag* *spit*):

For a fleeting moment I considered reasoning with the TSA guy. Surely he could see that the liquid part of my container was minimal…

…I would have been a beacon of common sense and righteousness, right up until they started beating me with batons.

Coulda happened, but Scott was saved by the ghost of Dilbert whispering in his ear, no doubt…

UPDATE: You HAVE to read one of the comments from the Scott Adams post… In fact, it’s so perfectly illustrative of the fundamental stupidity of the TSA’s institutionalized anarcho-tyranny that I’m going to reproduce it below the fold.

Reasoning with TSA is never safe. I live 5 houses down the street from a man who works for TSA at the Boise, Idaho airport. We’ve known each other for years, played basketball together, I’ve taken his son on scout outings, etc.

Last month he was standing at the metal detector when I arrived for my flight. The airport was nearly empty. No one else was even in the vicinity of the security area.

He greeted me with, “Hey, Mike. How’s it going? Where you heading?” We talked while I put my things on the xray belt, took off my shoes, etc. After talking for a few minutes, I walked through the metal detector and he said to me,

“May I see some ID, please?”

WHAT THE HECK?! You just called me by name, talked to me for two minutes. Now, you need to see some ID? Smart, really smart.

“When a stupid man does something he knows is wrong, he always claims it is his duty.”

And it doesn’t matter if the stupid man is basically of normal intelligence. Nope. Stupid is as stupid does, as some *cough* great philosopher once said.

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