Fast, Super-easy Rice-cooker Omelet

Update: The Carnival of the Recipes is up at Nerd Family. Next week, the carnival will be held at one of my all-time fav blogs, Morning Coffee and Afterrnoon Tea, a great place to stop by even when there’s not a carnival.

Ever since the kids left home, I’ve had difficulty adjusting menu planning down to two. Yeh, yeh, I know the math, but all the pots n pans, etc., just seem better-suited to larger portions.

And so it went when we bought our 10-cup “Puck-ish” rice cooker (Wolfgang Puck Rice Cooker–a really great appliance). Too big for our family of two, now.

But it’s such an adaptable appliance that I’ve learned to use it to make meals for two. Like this morning. Quick breakfast:

Four eggs, lightly whisked.
Grated cheese (whatever we had handy–a handful)
Some bacon bits (not fake, but not freshly-cooked)
A lil salt n pepper.
Some sooper-dooper cholesterol-lowering margarine (the compromises never stop when ya have a cardio patient in the house)

Margarine melted in the rice cooker (set to “cook”)
Add eggs, salt n pepper, bacon bits, cheese, in that order. If I’d minced some onion and let it go for a bit in the margarine, that would’ve been nice, too.

Set to “cook” and walk away. Bread in the toaster oven. When the bread’s toast, the eggs are done. A nice, no-fold omelet.

Any of your fav additions to omelets would work, of course.

Fast, delicious and a healthful way to start the day every now and then (eggs: good liver food, good protein, etc.).

If you have a rice cooker other than one like mine, YMMV, but it might be worth a shot. And if you’re in the market for a rice cooker, I can recommend the Puck version. Cooked a curried chicken and rice for 2 (and a half :-)) in this one the other night. Some veggies on the side, and it was a full meal. I’ve learned to cook chicken, beef, whatever in the rice cooker, too, so it was almost (apart from the veggies) a one-dish meal.

Plus ça change…

…plus c’est la même chose

No, really. 🙂

Meanwhile, flying in the face of modern precedent, SCOTUS gives a big (temporary) “Nanny, nanny, boo-boo” to the ACLU. Arizona can too require that voters identify themselves as, well, actually qualified to vote, as in, have valid IDs showing they are, well, americans, at the very least.

Oh! Gasp! Some crooks and zombies and wetbacks (Oh! My!) might actually be “disenfranchised” (cluebat upside the head for the ACLU: to be “disenfranchised” one must first, well, be legitimately qualified to exercise the franchise, ya know. Dumbasses.)