OP/10 Things I Love About Wetbacks, Moose-limbs and Moonbats (Oh My!)


A Gift From South of the Border: Tasty Evil Mutant Ratdogs

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10 Things I Love About Wetbacks, Moose-limbs and Moonbats (Oh My!)

I’ll start the list off and ask for contributions in comments…

Wetbacks can sometimes have interesting cuisine. Just watch out for the fly larvae in the beans that’ve been soaking in open tubs for days, the salmonella in their pollo and the fecal coliform bacteria in the beef dishes. Better yet, translate their third world cuisine into civilized fare.

Moose-limbs at least have the decency to keep their cloven hooves on rugs then they “pray” to their Devil in a Pink Dress (the Devil in a Blue Dress is reserved for a Clintonista Oval Office gig).

Moonbats are so amusing. Kinda like rabid Chihuahuas in tutus.

And speaking of Chihuahuas. When are we gonna adopt the wetback cultural contribution of using these long-legged rats bred as stewpot animals in a way that honors wetback culture: as the food critter they were bred to be? One-a them lil kick toys would probably make about half a Vietnamese *Chinese, Thai… ) appetizer for one.

More, please. πŸ™‚

Update: From comments, N.B. Goldstein (from Clash of Civilizations chimes in with how he just has to love the new Moose-limbs’ suicide bomber practice ranges…

And Mama Duck points out how very, very advanced Lil Duck is (hint: he does NOT want to look like he’s been dressed by a moonbat. *heh* We all goof sometimes, Mama Duck. Let this be a warning… :-)) See? I toldya a study of moonbattery (and dressing a Lil Duck as a dragon is apparently viewed by Lil Ducks as battery, fer sure) was amusing.


Submitting for contributions at Ferdy’s Funhouse and Diplomacy Emporium and Stretching the Beltline.

13 Replies to “OP/10 Things I Love About Wetbacks, Moose-limbs and Moonbats (Oh My!)”

  1. Pingback: Parenting Toddlers
  2. You gotta love Moose-limbs (I title which I believe I coined a while back πŸ™‚ because they just came up with a new training technique – suicide bomber practice ranges. Ain’t they the greatest? Funny stuff, David!

  3. Pingback: Planck's Constant
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