
No, it’s not Gershwin, but…

When I clicked to start a freebie download of Beethoven’s symphonies a symphonic organization was offering, Opera simply asked me if I wanted to proceed [yeh, I edited that. I couldn’t believe I’d misspelled “proceed” when I finally got around to reading this entry… *sigh*]with the Bittorrent download. (Yeh, and yeh again to the software firewall.)

I hadn’t done many bittorrent downloads for a while, cos I disliked most of the bittorrent clients I’d tried, and Opera had removed bittorrent capabilities for a while. Nice lil reminder of the wealth of capabilities included in this lil browser. Included, not “extensions” ya know…

Just sayin’…


(BTW, THIS is Gershwin… as interpreted by the very talented Red Garland)

'S Wonderful: The Jazz Giants Play George Gershwin

'S Wonderful: The Jazz Giants Play George Gershwin

Anarcho-Tyranny, again

This exchange at Chaos Manor Musings/Current Mail delineates a perfect example of anarcho-tyranny:

“Lynne Stewart got two years for being a transmission belt for her terrorist (convicted) clients.” [J.E.P.]

And Martha Stewart got how much for what she didn’t do?

Obviously it pays to be a left leaning liberal in this world. [Bas]


Also, in the same Chaos Manor mailbag was a tip to Scott Adams’ recent experience with TSA (TSA: *gag* *spit*):

For a fleeting moment I considered reasoning with the TSA guy. Surely he could see that the liquid part of my container was minimal…

…I would have been a beacon of common sense and righteousness, right up until they started beating me with batons.

Coulda happened, but Scott was saved by the ghost of Dilbert whispering in his ear, no doubt…

UPDATE: You HAVE to read one of the comments from the Scott Adams post… In fact, it’s so perfectly illustrative of the fundamental stupidity of the TSA’s institutionalized anarcho-tyranny that I’m going to reproduce it below the fold.

Continue reading “Anarcho-Tyranny, again”

Ya gotta have a goal in life, I guess

I don’t have a second source confirmation *cough* on this, but from a source who shall remain anonymous (but whose initials are HTH), news on the Foley Front:

Asked what he planned to do with his life, now that he’s been forced to resign from Congress, Representative Mark Foley (R-FL) responded:

“My hope is to turn over a new page.”

Well, there’s always hope, I guess…

A big saaaaa-lute to Diane’s Open Trackback Alliance Wednesday post, TMH’s Please Make It Stop Midweek OTP, Blue Star Chronicles’ The Ancient Ruins of Hatra Iraq and TRY’s It’s a Rainforest Out There…Reading List and Midweek OTP

Good Morning!/OP

A change of pace from the last two days’ curmudgeonry:

Well, apart from “Marvin’s” inability to stay on top of pitches, that has to be one of my fav renditions of that song. Nah, it’s not the cutsie addition of birds chirping (although that’s not done half badly). It’s just a fairly convincing performance. I could almost see ole Marvin playing Curly after hearing him sing that. Almost.

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