Purgatory: Day 2

Yesterday and today: broadband access dead. Limited to a 28.8 dialup, now

*sigh* No blogging today (except for this “poor me” post 🙂

This makes the second period within the last month my cable internet access has been down. Last time, I was able to get a nominal 56K connection with my backup dialup connection. Not so today.

Ah, well… Another day.

Calling All Harry Potter Fans

Cornelia Funke’s a better juvie writer than J.K Rowling

OK, so last year, at Lovely Daughter’s insistence recommendation, I read Cornelia Funke’s Thief Lord. It was not half bad, and in fact it was quite a bit more than half good. And, as is becoming more and more common, it included a teaser: the first chapter of Inkheart, the book Lovely Daughter handed me to read today.

(Now that I’m considering Cornelia Funke books, I recall I was pleasantly disposed toward her insistence suggestion I read Thief Lord because I has earlier yielded to her when she touted Dragon Rider, also by Funke.)

The gimmick in Inkheart is that much of it is “about” a book by the same name, “Inkheart,” though I’ll not say more, cos I’m already edging into “spoiler” territory.
If I were a parent of gradeschool or junior high students, or an elementary/jr. hi teacher, I’d certainly put this on reading lists for “my” kids. And, ya know, I don’t think adults would be harmed by reading it, either.

I’m near the end, just taking a break to brew some joe and write this. Unless Funke goes seriously awry, this is a good book. Of course, marketing and other pressures: it’s the first of a trilogy… (Gee: can’t folks just tell a story and move on to another any more? *VBG*) Still, the way it’s reading, I’ll probably buy a copy of my own and get the other two.

“We’re havin’ a heat wave…

a tropical heat wave…”

No, it’s not the kind Irving Berlin meant*. This is hotter. Did some hot, sweaty mowing this a.m. and the temps were already—fairly early—in the mid 90s with the humidity dripping all over the place, making the air heavy long before I started dripping.

Ahhh… Lovely Daughter home again this weekend. Has a solid interview for a good job (with good recommendation from a friend and former college roomie who works at the place) on Monday afternoon… about 40 miles from home, rather than the coiuple of hundred miles away where the flake of an HR guy hired her for a job that didn’t exist…

Oh, that also means I get to drive the neat lil car we got to replace the Taurus that died on her as she was trying to get to The Job That Never Was. Fun.

Anyway, hot. I’m not gonna blog. Not gonna email. Broadband was out this a.m. anyway, when I was more likely to do some Saturday blogging. Hadda boot up an unfinished computer and hook a modem up to connect to a backup dialup connection just to see if any critical mail was in.

Nope. I’m gonna climb in some cool water, soak and read Inkheart, which Lovely Daughter thoughtfully brought home with her. So it’s a juvie? Who cares. Funk writes well, and it’ll be at least as good as the juvie (the HP book) I read last weekend.

I can do that cos I’m still running this place and you can’t make me blog. So there.


*”Heat Wave”
–Irving Berlin

We’re having a heat wave,
A tropical heat wave,
The temperature’s rising,
It isn’t surprising,
She certainly can can-can.

She started a heat wave
By letting her seat wave
In such a way that
The customers say that
She certainly can can-can.

Gee, her anatomy
Makes the mercury
Jump to ninety-three.

We’re having a heat wave,
A tropical heat wave,
The way that she moves
That thermometer proves
That she certainly can can-can

Long-lost profile

Call me David. (OK, so it’s not Herman Melville)

“Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am (stuck in the middle with you.)”

I thought that since it’s been a long time past that I’d first introduced myself to the blogosphere that I might clarify a tad that is missing from my skimpy Blogger profile.

Stealth libertarian (small “l”–the Libertarian Perty is todos wackos). Believe in a two-party system, just wish we had two other parties to choose from, at least one of which would honorably (that is to say, honestly) swear to uphold the Constitution.

Longing for the Republic the Founders and Framers devised and hoping to reinvigorate and preserve at least some small portion of that Republic for my grandchildren.

Sometimes curmudgeonly, always opinionated. I believe that fair argument is one of the great achievements of a civilization (which is one reason I have come to hate the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade and its fellow travelers in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army and to despise the wimps who are political “leaders” on the so-called Right).

Fav quote:

“American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward to perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It tends to risk nothing serious for the sake of truth.”—R. L. Dabney, 19th Century Reformed theologian; member R.E. Lee’s General Staff.

Quote re: current events:

“These people killed innocent children to show disapproval of a government. They couldn’t even justify it as collateral damage, as the government officials in question weren’t near their targets. Aiming for a politician would risk their own hides, and that was something Ghassan just didn’t have the stomach for. Not until the doctors finished rebuilding him, anyway.”—from The Weapon by Michael Z. Williamson (Baen Books, August 2005)

I like to cook, work on computers (d’oh), make music, read (history, sci-fi, mysteries, soup cans, anything in print) and blindside people with off-the-wall humor.

So sue me.

Like languages. Am fluent in none. Well, perhaps moderately fluent in English.

This is still very sketchy, but I’m running this show, so it’s all ya get.

Ice Cream!

(Well, not really, but good anyway)

Now, this is important: this recipe is BEST made with a real hand-cranked ice cream freezer, cranked by available kids under the age of 13. (Why pick that age as the upper limit? See my post on “junior high”. Ooops. Haven’t posted on that yet. heh) Really. It just makes a better “ice cream” that way.


Keep in mind, you can adjust the amounts for bigger batches, if you want, but a half gallon or so is usually enough for a family of four.

This is pretty much as we made it when I was a kid. (Didn’t everybody make “Eagle Brand Ice Milk” in the 50s?)

Vanilla “Ice Cream”


2 (14 oz.) can Eagle Brand milk
1 qt. milk (or half n half)
1.5 Tbsp. vanilla extract

Other stuff

HAND CRANK ice cream freezer
rock salt
“lightly” crushed chunk ice

Combine all ingredients, mixing well. Pour mixture into freezer can of a 1 gallon hand hand-crank freezer. Assemble the freezer and pour a layer of ice around the drum (about 2-3 inches worth). Sprinkle rock salt in a thin layer on top of the ice. Layer some more ice, then rock salt, then ice, etc. until just below the top of the ice cream cannister. Add ice only all the way to the top, if you want.
Crank at a steady pace. Kids can sit on top of the ice cream freezer and crank it if ya put a layer of newspaper on top and then an old towel for them to sit on. Or team two: one “sitter” and one “cranker” so they can switch off.

As brine begins coming outa the weep hole, layer in more ice (and maybe a tad salt) every now and then.

When (if) the kids start to find the crank hard to turn (cos the stuff’s freezing up on ’em) you can take over the cranking.

All kindsa easy variations possible: add some peach, strawberry or blueberry preserves before freezing. (Blueberry preserves ought to be added when the stuff’s about frozen, IMO–just toward the last.) Lotsa variations. I like to substitute some scraped vanilla beans for the vanilla extract. Nice. Heck. I wouldn’t mind taking the rest of the bean and running it through a coffee grinder to milk more flavor, although it does change the flavor a bit.

You can store the ice cream in the cannister in the ice/brine mix (packed with newspaper/old towel–see, ya knew those’d come in handy) for a few hours, if necessary, but eating it right away or making it just before a meal, storing it in the brine/ice mix for just during the meal is probably best.

VW Bug asked in comments about where to get a hand crank ice cream maker. How about here?

[coupla edits made, including comment about jr. hi… 🙂

When in danger or in doubt…

…run in circles, scream and shout!

This, from President Bush’s speech presenting Judge John Roberts, sent a chilling message (heh) to anti-democracy folk who prefer having judges create law ex nihilo from the bench instead of interpret law that actually exists because elected representatives, supposedly expressing the will of a majority of the electorate (uhm, you know: democracy at work) acted.

“He has profound respect for the rule of law and for the liberties guaranteed to every citizen. He will strictly apply the Constitution in laws, not legislate from the bench.”

Oh. Dear. That would certainly put a twist in the ACLU’s knickers. It’s already sent shock waves through the “freedom to kill babies” bunch. And the usual suspects on the Loony Left fringe (which now seems to include leading “moderate” Democratic senators) have expressed “reservations.”

(OK, fair notice: I have no idea whether President Bush’s assertion will prove true or not. And, frankly, I doubt he has sure and certain knowledge that it is, either. It’s a hopeful assertion that the country return to rule by democratic vote, nothing more. But also nothing less.)

Wanna stop the erosion of civilization being spawned by such as the ACLU? Call, write and/or email your U.S. Senator to encourage them to ignore the ACLU and their ilk and simply confirm Judge Roberts. He has the qualifications. And, despite my doubts as to his committment to “strictly apply the Constitution in laws, not legislate from the bench” I suggest we support his nomination simply because he is the president’s choice and he is qualified. Whether he votes on the bench the way I would want or not is not the issue.

Of course, the simple fact that he might not legislate from the bench has the appeal of being something that’d seriously chap off such as the communists in the Amerikan Criminal License Underground, since their fav tactic seems to be twisting the words of the Constitution to mean new things in accord with their agenda.

Contact Your Senator

And consider joining the Stop the ACLU Blogburst. Simply go to

Protest the ACLU

Sign up there to be a part of the weekly blogburst protesting the ACLU. Join these bloggers in an effort to expose the agenda and actions of this organization. From Cao’s Blog:

Sites Already on Board:

Stop The ACLU

21st Century Paladin
A Lady’s Ruminations
A Tic In The Mind’s Eye
American Dinosaur
American Warmonger
An American Housewife
And Rightly So
Angry Republican Mom
Birth of a Neo-Con
Blog Talker
California Conservatives 4 Truth
Cao’s Blog
Christmas Ghost
Common Sense Runs Wild
Conservative Angst
Conservative Dialysis
Conservative Rant
Craig’s Reflections
Crosses aCross America
Daily Inklings
Def Conservative
**Euphoric Reality
Evil Conservative Blog
Freedom Of Thought
Fundamentally Right
GM’s Corner
Gribbit’s Word
Is It Just Me?
Is This Life?
It Is What It Is
Jo’s Cafe
Kender’s Musings
KiddSafe Blog
Kill Righty
Lady Madonna- Headlines
Life Trek
Mad tech
Making Tomorrow’s Military Today
**Mean Ol’ Meany
Meeyotch’s so called “life”
Merri Musings
Miss Patriot
More Sense Than Money
**Mr Minority
Musing Minds
My Political Soapbox
**Obiter Dictum Blog
**Ogre’s View
Parrot Check
Patriots For Bush
PBS Watch
**Pirate’s Cove
Rancher Blog
Ravings of John C. A. Bambenek
Red State Rant
Regular Ron
Right On! A Conservative Opinion
Smithereen’s Files
**Steve’s Blog
Stop The ACLU
Stop The ACLU AZ
**Stop The ACLU Illinois
Stop The ACLU Kansas
Stop The ACLU Nevada
Stop The ACLU Ohio
Stop The ACLU Oklahoma
Stuff You Should Know
**Swap Blog
Sweet Spirits of Ammonia
The American Patriots
**The Conservative UAW Guy
The Kevin Show
The Lesser of Two Evils
The Life And Times
The Nose On Your Face
The Uncooperative Blogger
The View From Firehouse
**The Wide Awakes
third world county
This Space For Rent
Thoughts from the Right
Time Hath Found Us
TMH’s Bacon Bits
Undiscovered Country
Vista On Current Events
What Attitude Problem?
White Lightning Axiom: Redux
Xtreme Right Wing
Zipcard2’s Blog

THE Question of the (Blog)Age

Harvey asks the critical question of our age. But don’t let me spoil it. Here it is from the horse’s… mouth:

On Monday, July 11th, an odd thing happened in the Ecosystem. Instapundit fell to #2 and was replaced by “Painless Self-Promotion”:

Instapundit no 2

Yet the very next day, Painless Self-Promotion disappeared completely and Evil Glenn had resumed his customary position as Blogospheric Dominar.

Your Filthy Lie Assignment this week is to answer the question:

What’s the story behind Painless Self-Promotion’s brief rise and fall in the Ecosystem?

Well, to the icognoscenti, this might first appear to be a mystery, but to anyone who’s actually read Painless Self Promotion it’s obvious: Painless Self Promotion has always been the number one blog in or out of the ecosystem, but Evil Glenn has used his Evil Lawyer Mind Beam to alter the blogosphere stats!

When the truth emerged—briefly—Evil Glenn issued an edict that the blog author was thereafter to be considered a “homeless” person in the blogosphere, and his Instapundit website ATE Painless Self Promotion!!!

That’s right: Blog cannibalism. Watch for Evil Glenn to spawn The Carnival of the Cannibals, soon…

A few of my favorite things

It’s a comfort…

Well, I broke down and watched some Mass Media Podpeople reading some scripts they pretended were “news” today. Same old, same old: world going to hell in a handbasket.
It’s rather comforting to know there are some things you can depend on…
Speaking of dependable, what can ya count on happening if ya sit down to dinner? Yeh, right: telemarketers. I know, I know: national and state “no call” lists, yada yada yada. They don’t care. Mask it with “We’re not trying to sell you anything; this is just a survey.”
(Echoes of the Animaniacs: “Do ya wanna take a survey?”)
I just tell ’em: “As soon as I recieve payment for my first hour up front, I’ll take your survey.” Then I quote them my normal hourly rate (which is very reasonable, given my locale and clientele, but it’s a lot more than telemarketer sweat shops pay).
Some things never change. Isn’t that conforting?