When in danger or in doubt…

…run in circles, scream and shout!

This, from President Bush’s speech presenting Judge John Roberts, sent a chilling message (heh) to anti-democracy folk who prefer having judges create law ex nihilo from the bench instead of interpret law that actually exists because elected representatives, supposedly expressing the will of a majority of the electorate (uhm, you know: democracy at work) acted.

“He has profound respect for the rule of law and for the liberties guaranteed to every citizen. He will strictly apply the Constitution in laws, not legislate from the bench.”

Oh. Dear. That would certainly put a twist in the ACLU’s knickers. It’s already sent shock waves through the “freedom to kill babies” bunch. And the usual suspects on the Loony Left fringe (which now seems to include leading “moderate” Democratic senators) have expressed “reservations.”

(OK, fair notice: I have no idea whether President Bush’s assertion will prove true or not. And, frankly, I doubt he has sure and certain knowledge that it is, either. It’s a hopeful assertion that the country return to rule by democratic vote, nothing more. But also nothing less.)

Wanna stop the erosion of civilization being spawned by such as the ACLU? Call, write and/or email your U.S. Senator to encourage them to ignore the ACLU and their ilk and simply confirm Judge Roberts. He has the qualifications. And, despite my doubts as to his committment to “strictly apply the Constitution in laws, not legislate from the bench” I suggest we support his nomination simply because he is the president’s choice and he is qualified. Whether he votes on the bench the way I would want or not is not the issue.

Of course, the simple fact that he might not legislate from the bench has the appeal of being something that’d seriously chap off such as the communists in the Amerikan Criminal License Underground, since their fav tactic seems to be twisting the words of the Constitution to mean new things in accord with their agenda.

Contact Your Senator

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