A few of my favorite things

It’s a comfort…

Well, I broke down and watched some Mass Media Podpeople reading some scripts they pretended were “news” today. Same old, same old: world going to hell in a handbasket.
It’s rather comforting to know there are some things you can depend on…
Speaking of dependable, what can ya count on happening if ya sit down to dinner? Yeh, right: telemarketers. I know, I know: national and state “no call” lists, yada yada yada. They don’t care. Mask it with “We’re not trying to sell you anything; this is just a survey.”
(Echoes of the Animaniacs: “Do ya wanna take a survey?”)
I just tell ’em: “As soon as I recieve payment for my first hour up front, I’ll take your survey.” Then I quote them my normal hourly rate (which is very reasonable, given my locale and clientele, but it’s a lot more than telemarketer sweat shops pay).
Some things never change. Isn’t that conforting?

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