Sleeping Giant or Slumbering Monster?

George Will points out what is possibly the most important story of this election year: massive voter fraud.

“The unexamined belief that an ever-higher rate of voter registration is a Good Thing has met its limit in the center of the state that this year is the center of the political universe — Ohio. The U.S. Census Bureau’s 2003 estimate is that in Franklin County — Columbus — there are approximately 815,000 people 18 or over. But 845,720 are now registered.”

And that, as they said on the Titanic, is just the tip of the iceberg…

Sleeping Giant or Slumbering Monster?

George Will points out what is possibly the most important story of this election year: massive voter fraud.

“The unexamined belief that an ever-higher rate of voter registration is a Good Thing has met its limit in the center of the state that this year is the center of the political universe — Ohio. The U.S. Census Bureau’s 2003 estimate is that in Franklin County — Columbus — there are approximately 815,000 people 18 or over. But 845,720 are now registered.”

And that, as they said on the Titanic, is just the tip of the iceberg…

Bad Ballots in Ohio

Look at this “butterfly” ballot from Ohio. Kerry? Punch out #6. The arrow ar the Kedwards line points directly to number 6. However, if you want to vote for the Bush/Cheney ticket, the ballot’s a little misleading. The correct number to punch is 4, but the arrow points directly to number 14…

A little fishy? The latest polls show Ohio moving steadily for Bush (latest Zogby shows nearly a five-point Bush lead). If there’s a large disparity between exit polls and actual ballots in Ohio, this ballot might be the place to start looking for the culprit. (H.T. to Powerline for the ballot pic. See the post and a larger image there.) Of course, as Powerline points out, there are a number of ways the ballot can be misaligned to cause problems, and it’s probably just another case of stupidity rather than some weird vote fraud conspiracy. Still… Posted by Hello

Bad Ballots in Ohio

Look at this “butterfly” ballot from Ohio. Kerry? Punch out #6. The arrow ar the Kedwards line points directly to number 6. However, if you want to vote for the Bush/Cheney ticket, the ballot’s a little misleading. The correct number to punch is 4, but the arrow points directly to number 14…

A little fishy? The latest polls show Ohio moving steadily for Bush (latest Zogby shows nearly a five-point Bush lead). If there’s a large disparity between exit polls and actual ballots in Ohio, this ballot might be the place to start looking for the culprit. (H.T. to Powerline for the ballot pic. See the post and a larger image there.) Of course, as Powerline points out, there are a number of ways the ballot can be misaligned to cause problems, and it’s probably just another case of stupidity rather than some weird vote fraud conspiracy. Still… Posted by Hello

All the buzz

The blogosphere has been buzzing this weekend with rumors of a Washington Times (or in some versions, WaPo) story set to see the light of day Monday. Protein Wisdom points to a SATIRE piece (please note, I said it was satire, and note also that it needs to be R rated for language) that plays off this buzz. NOTE AGAIN: the link leads to a “story” that is not news but satire. (H.T. to Hugh Hewitt for the link.)

All the buzz

The blogosphere has been buzzing this weekend with rumors of a Washington Times (or in some versions, WaPo) story set to see the light of day Monday. Protein Wisdom points to a SATIRE piece (please note, I said it was satire, and note also that it needs to be R rated for language) that plays off this buzz. NOTE AGAIN: the link leads to a “story” that is not news but satire. (H.T. to Hugh Hewitt for the link.)

The man behind the curtain…

David Limbaugh explains the obvious—why sKerry refuses to allow reprints of his book, The New Soldier and why he refuses to sign a Standard Form 180 (SF-180) to allow the release of all his military records, etc.:

What is Kerry so afraid of? Why doesn’t he want you to find out the identity of that man behind the curtain? Why doesn’t he want you to read his book “The New Soldier”? Why doesn’t he want you to see “Stolen Honor”? Why won’t he release his medical records? Why won’t he talk about his Senate record? Why won’t he address specific charges about his Vietnam tour?

The answer is that without convincing millions of voters he is someone that he is not, he would suffer the biggest landslide defeat in American history — bar none. What a sad state American liberalism finds itself in when it can’t tout its own candidate as a true believer. And what a sad commentary on the candidate himself that he would willingly participate in such a fundamental deception about his very essence as a human being.

Just CLICK here

The man behind the curtain…

David Limbaugh explains the obvious—why sKerry refuses to allow reprints of his book, The New Soldier and why he refuses to sign a Standard Form 180 (SF-180) to allow the release of all his military records, etc.:

What is Kerry so afraid of? Why doesn’t he want you to find out the identity of that man behind the curtain? Why doesn’t he want you to read his book “The New Soldier”? Why doesn’t he want you to see “Stolen Honor”? Why won’t he release his medical records? Why won’t he talk about his Senate record? Why won’t he address specific charges about his Vietnam tour?

The answer is that without convincing millions of voters he is someone that he is not, he would suffer the biggest landslide defeat in American history — bar none. What a sad state American liberalism finds itself in when it can’t tout its own candidate as a true believer. And what a sad commentary on the candidate himself that he would willingly participate in such a fundamental deception about his very essence as a human being.

Just CLICK here

Zut Alors!

Apparently, Jean Fraud sKerry thinks the color-coded alerts from Homeland security are laughable. (Well, finally an “issue”—though not much of one—sKerry nearly agrees with me about… ) According to WSJ’s James Taranto, Jonathan Wilson (one of his readers) suggests sKerry would replace the now familiar Homeland Security color-coded alerts with:
Level 1: Ennui
Level 2: Comme ci, comme ça
Level 3: Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose
Level 4: Regardez!
Level 5: Zut alors!
Hmmm… Maybe I’d better re-think my position on Tom Ridge’s color coding…

Zut Alors!

Apparently, Jean Fraud sKerry thinks the color-coded alerts from Homeland security are laughable. (Well, finally an “issue”—though not much of one—sKerry nearly agrees with me about… ) According to WSJ’s James Taranto, Jonathan Wilson (one of his readers) suggests sKerry would replace the now familiar Homeland Security color-coded alerts with:
Level 1: Ennui
Level 2: Comme ci, comme ça
Level 3: Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose
Level 4: Regardez!
Level 5: Zut alors!
Hmmm… Maybe I’d better re-think my position on Tom Ridge’s color coding…