The man behind the curtain…

David Limbaugh explains the obvious—why sKerry refuses to allow reprints of his book, The New Soldier and why he refuses to sign a Standard Form 180 (SF-180) to allow the release of all his military records, etc.:

What is Kerry so afraid of? Why doesn’t he want you to find out the identity of that man behind the curtain? Why doesn’t he want you to read his book “The New Soldier”? Why doesn’t he want you to see “Stolen Honor”? Why won’t he release his medical records? Why won’t he talk about his Senate record? Why won’t he address specific charges about his Vietnam tour?

The answer is that without convincing millions of voters he is someone that he is not, he would suffer the biggest landslide defeat in American history — bar none. What a sad state American liberalism finds itself in when it can’t tout its own candidate as a true believer. And what a sad commentary on the candidate himself that he would willingly participate in such a fundamental deception about his very essence as a human being.

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The man behind the curtain…

David Limbaugh explains the obvious—why sKerry refuses to allow reprints of his book, The New Soldier and why he refuses to sign a Standard Form 180 (SF-180) to allow the release of all his military records, etc.:

What is Kerry so afraid of? Why doesn’t he want you to find out the identity of that man behind the curtain? Why doesn’t he want you to read his book “The New Soldier”? Why doesn’t he want you to see “Stolen Honor”? Why won’t he release his medical records? Why won’t he talk about his Senate record? Why won’t he address specific charges about his Vietnam tour?

The answer is that without convincing millions of voters he is someone that he is not, he would suffer the biggest landslide defeat in American history — bar none. What a sad state American liberalism finds itself in when it can’t tout its own candidate as a true believer. And what a sad commentary on the candidate himself that he would willingly participate in such a fundamental deception about his very essence as a human being.

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