The Wind at His Back

Check Hugh Hewitt’s blog for all the Election 2004 links you need to share with friends via email…

Example—this paragraph clipped from today’s posts:

This is where you want to be, and with the wind at his back, Bush’s speech in New Jersey yesterday hit exactly the right notes on the war. It needs to be fought hard and far from our shores, and it cannot be waged by a man who has not supported any war since he began his opposition to Vietnam in 1971. And add to message of resolve on the crucial issue of the election, a sudden unveiling of the real inner Kerry —nasty, willing to punch low, fear mongering on the draft and social security– plus the stories on Democratic voter fraud are adding up up in the public’s mind: the DNC/Kerry-Edwards manual; the rotten registrations done for crack-cocaine in Ohio; the requests for hundreds of thousands of extra ballots in Milwaukee. Americans don’t like cheaters, and the cheating from the Kerry side is getting very obvious.

The blatant voter fraud discovered so far is likely just the tip of the iceberg…

The Wind at His Back

Check Hugh Hewitt’s blog for all the Election 2004 links you need to share with friends via email…

Example—this paragraph clipped from today’s posts:

This is where you want to be, and with the wind at his back, Bush’s speech in New Jersey yesterday hit exactly the right notes on the war. It needs to be fought hard and far from our shores, and it cannot be waged by a man who has not supported any war since he began his opposition to Vietnam in 1971. And add to message of resolve on the crucial issue of the election, a sudden unveiling of the real inner Kerry —nasty, willing to punch low, fear mongering on the draft and social security– plus the stories on Democratic voter fraud are adding up up in the public’s mind: the DNC/Kerry-Edwards manual; the rotten registrations done for crack-cocaine in Ohio; the requests for hundreds of thousands of extra ballots in Milwaukee. Americans don’t like cheaters, and the cheating from the Kerry side is getting very obvious.

The blatant voter fraud discovered so far is likely just the tip of the iceberg…

The Prancing Pony or… “The Breck Girl”?

Oh. Dear. Just go here to watch the Prancing Pony making much ado about… his “do”.

As Slate put it,

“For a guy who’s been known derisively to the Bush crowd as the Breck girl,” observes [Harry] Shearer, vice presidential candidate John Edwards seems “way too interested in his hair.” He tries to straighten it with his fingers. A makeup technician approaches with a comb, but the senator likes it just so and does the combing himself. He signals he’s ready for hair spray by closing his eyes expectantly, like a child. Then Edwards and the technician straighten a little more with their fingers. Please don’t tell me that thing in his hand is a compact. Oh, dear. It is.

The Prancing Pony or… “The Breck Girl”?

Oh. Dear. Just go here to watch the Prancing Pony making much ado about… his “do”.

As Slate put it,

“For a guy who’s been known derisively to the Bush crowd as the Breck girl,” observes [Harry] Shearer, vice presidential candidate John Edwards seems “way too interested in his hair.” He tries to straighten it with his fingers. A makeup technician approaches with a comb, but the senator likes it just so and does the combing himself. He signals he’s ready for hair spray by closing his eyes expectantly, like a child. Then Edwards and the technician straighten a little more with their fingers. Please don’t tell me that thing in his hand is a compact. Oh, dear. It is.