Yesterday it was teachers; today, it’s moms.

Yesterday it was teachers; today, it’s moms.

Yesterday, TeRAYzah dissed all the teachers out there (see TeRAYzah Heinz-sKerry says “Teaching isn’t real work” ). Today, she went after your mom:

“I had forgotten that Mrs. Bush had worked as a school teacher and librarian, and there couldn’t be a more important job than teaching our children. As someone who has been both a full-time mom and full-time in workforce, I know we all have valuable experiences that shape who we are. I appreciate and honor Mrs. Bush’s service to the country as first lady, and am sincerely sorry I had not remembered her important work in the past.”

Oops. So… all those years raising the twins, supporting George as a housewife were empty? Worthless? Not a “real job”? Somebody needs to tell TeRAYzah that all those moms out there who keep a household squared away so their family can live, who put a home cooked dinner on the table for their family are doing something at least as inmportant as the legions of servants she has do (and has had doing for years–even while she was “a full-time mom” who didn’t have to “Mom” anyone much or for long) those things for her day in and day out. Actually, much more important, because real moms are priceless, not just unpaid for their work…

But what does TeRAYzah know of such things?

Yesterday it was teachers; today, it’s moms.

Yesterday it was teachers; today, it’s moms.

Yesterday, TeRAYzah dissed all the teachers out there (see TeRAYzah Heinz-sKerry says “Teaching isn’t real work” ). Today, she went after your mom:

“I had forgotten that Mrs. Bush had worked as a school teacher and librarian, and there couldn’t be a more important job than teaching our children. As someone who has been both a full-time mom and full-time in workforce, I know we all have valuable experiences that shape who we are. I appreciate and honor Mrs. Bush’s service to the country as first lady, and am sincerely sorry I had not remembered her important work in the past.”

Oops. So… all those years raising the twins, supporting George as a housewife were empty? Worthless? Not a “real job”? Somebody needs to tell TeRAYzah that all those moms out there who keep a household squared away so their family can live, who put a home cooked dinner on the table for their family are doing something at least as inmportant as the legions of servants she has do (and has had doing for years–even while she was “a full-time mom” who didn’t have to “Mom” anyone much or for long) those things for her day in and day out. Actually, much more important, because real moms are priceless, not just unpaid for their work…

But what does TeRAYzah know of such things?

Voting for crazies?

Ann Coulter, again. Gee that gal has a razor-tongued wit. Must like her coffee (well, I know I’d need a pot to stay ringside, let alone in the ring with her jabs… ). Referring to the sKerry camp, she says today:

“This may be the first time in American history that the decisional calculus for many voters will be: Do I really want to throw my hat in with these crazy people?”

The sad thing is that many, knowing full well that sKerry and Kid Edwards are crazy (and power mad at that) will vote for them… because it’s their kind of insanity.

Oh, and one more shot from the same article:

“Coincidentally, the very day of the vice presidential debate, a gun was fired into a Bush-Cheney campaign office in Bearden, Tenn. – one of a series of violent attacks on Republican offices around the country. (You can tell it was Democrats firing those guns because none of the shots ever hit anything.)”

heh. Go on. Get on over there and read it. Now.

Voting for crazies?

Ann Coulter, again. Gee that gal has a razor-tongued wit. Must like her coffee (well, I know I’d need a pot to stay ringside, let alone in the ring with her jabs… ). Referring to the sKerry camp, she says today:

“This may be the first time in American history that the decisional calculus for many voters will be: Do I really want to throw my hat in with these crazy people?”

The sad thing is that many, knowing full well that sKerry and Kid Edwards are crazy (and power mad at that) will vote for them… because it’s their kind of insanity.

Oh, and one more shot from the same article:

“Coincidentally, the very day of the vice presidential debate, a gun was fired into a Bush-Cheney campaign office in Bearden, Tenn. – one of a series of violent attacks on Republican offices around the country. (You can tell it was Democrats firing those guns because none of the shots ever hit anything.)”

heh. Go on. Get on over there and read it. Now.

An Amazing Thought…

Tony Blankely can be nearly as cutting as Ann Coulter…

“Perhaps the strangest thing about this election campaign is that despite all the vulgarities, lies and probably criminal vote stealing going on, the Clintons are largely out of the picture. ..”



An Amazing Thought…

Tony Blankely can be nearly as cutting as Ann Coulter…

“Perhaps the strangest thing about this election campaign is that despite all the vulgarities, lies and probably criminal vote stealing going on, the Clintons are largely out of the picture. ..”

